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36 bytes added, 16:03, 28 October 2022
Major Updates
====Enhanced Multi-Factor Authentication====
Moved multi-factor authentication (MFA) settings from the user roles to '''Global Settings ''' > '''Security ''' tab > '''Password and Activation Policies'''. In this new location, you can enable MFA and assign MFA options to some or all roles from a single central location. Additionally, there is also a new toggle called '''Enable Trusted Device'''. If you enable trusted devices, you can set the time period in which a person who has authenticated into the system can bypass entering the MFA verification code.
<!-- Ticket ID139210 - MFA remember my computer (trusted device) functionality. -->
[[File:2022-11-ticket-139210-1.png|thumb|none|800px|multi-factor authentication (MFA) settings have moved and are defined globally instead of on the role.]]
====Enhancements to the List View====
Added System Filters system filters to the basic search '''Filter ''' drop down. Previously, system filters were only visible when '''Advanced Search ''' was toggled on. We also added the ability to set system filters as configuration only. Setting a system filter as configuration only will hide the system filter from the Filter drop down on the search for end users, but still allow system administrators to select the system filter while configuring their system. Additionally, if you have permission to edit a system filter, you will also see an edit button beside the filter name in the dropdown.
<!-- 133656 - List views and filter improvements (include system filters in basic search) -->
[[File:2022-11-ticket-133656-1.png|thumb|none|800px|System Filters will now appear in the basic search drop down.]]

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