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14,216 bytes removed, 19:30, 26 October 2022
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==Service Packs==
===October 27th 2022 (202210.03)===
* Fixed an issue with status indicators when used with standard field containers.
<!-- 142086 - Status Indicator Duplicating -->
* Fixed an issue where custom fields with top-aligned captions were not displaying as expected in '''View Mode'''.
<!-- 142378 - QA Issue: Media File Field and Details for Testing field issue -->
===October 20th 2022 (202210.02)===
* Fixed an issue with the Open button not working on organization contacts and associates when '''Enable Straight Join''' was toggled on for classic reports.
<!-- 141663 - Open Button Not working On Organization Contacts & Associates-->
* Fixed an issue with PDF generation where problematic embedded PDF files did not display a file corruption message in the combined PDF.
<!-- 141235 - Generated PDFs missing biosketches and no error generated -->
* Fixed an issue with '''Annotation Mode''' where the custom field would lose its caption after an annotation activity occurred when the caption was set to be placed above the field.
<!-- 141702 - Annotations Hiding Fields -->
* Fixed an issue that prevented some emails from being sent.
<!-- 142141 - Message not Sending -->
====Other Changes====
* Updated the messaging for the '''Upload - Multiple Files Storage''' custom field to include translations for Catalan and French Canadian.
<!-- 141827 - Upload field Message -->
===October 13th 2022 (202210.01)===
* Fixed an issue with the rendering and merging operations of PDFs.
<!-- 141755 - Change pdf generation to use temp files for all operations -->
* Fixed an issue with the '''Upload - Single File Storage''' field where its instruction box disappeared when the '''File Upload''' modal window was shown.
<!-- 140766 - Single-File Upload Field Titles and Instructions disappearing (2273) -->
* Fixed an issue with dynamic field visibility where instructions configured on fields under a '''Layout - Title Bar''' custom field were not being shown or hidden properly.
<!-- 140986 - Title Bar/Field Instructions Bug -->
* Fixed listview sorting to sort on the type’s '''Caption''' instead of the type’s '''Name'''.
<!-- 140456 - Listview is sorting by Type Name instead of Type Caption -->
====Other Changes====
* Added support for Service Provider (SP) initiated authentication for single sign-on (SSO). Previously, only Identity Provider (IdP) initiated SSO was available. A new '''Multiple Environment Support (MES) Group Identifier''' was also added which may be used to give you a consistent configuration across multiple environments (production, testing, and backup). The system will use the '''Multiple Environment Support Group Identifier''' to detect and render the appropriate SSO link on your login page, based on your environment. To see the new settings, go to '''Global Settings''' > '''Integrations''' tab > '''Single Sign-On''' > Edit a single sign-on configuration.
<!-- 134892 - Service Provider initiated Single Sign On (SP-initiated SSO) -->
* Added a new list type of '''Mixed Record Type''' to the '''Special - Linked Record List''' custom field. This new list type can be used to display multiple list views with different types of records. For example, it can show a listview of consumer activity records and a listview provider activity records in the same '''Linked Record List'''.
<!-- 121428 - Mixed Recordsets for Linked Record Lists -->
* Added the ability to limit which currencies can be selected by the user on the currency standard field. The new settings are called '''Available from Currencies''' and '''Available to Currencies'''.
<!-- 140832 - Batch update buttons accessible in Emulation view only mode -->
* Updated the '''Field History''' to show both the store value and display value for custom fields. The '''Field History''' window can be seen by enabling '''Track Changes''' on dropdown lists, checkboxes, and radio button custom fields.
<!-- 130510 - Enhancement: Show Display Value in Field History -->
* Set the spellcheck attribute to be false on password input fields.
<!-- 141302 - Add spellcheck='false' to password fields -->
* Updated the text for the '''Report Builder Help'''.
<!-- 134051 - Update examples and descriptions in report builder to support allow list of functions -->
* Added support for Polish language translations.
<!-- 141272 - Polish not an option in translation languages -->
* Update jQuery UI to version 1.13.2.
<!-- 140885 - NetCraft Pentest 08-2022 -->
===September 22nd 2022 (202209.03)===
* Added the ability to enter translations into the message template of workflow tasks using a new button called '''Message Template Translation Settings'''.
<!-- 70487 - Language Translation Functionality for Email Communication -->
* Updated the wording on the SmartSimple Cloud cookie policy alert for more specificity.
<!-- 141139 - Update alert message for cookie policy -->
===September 15th 2022 (202209.02)===
* Fixed an issue with the '''Is Container''' setting where container organizations restricted access for associated users.
<!-- 140671 - Contact VS Association -->
* Fixed an issue where reports were not generating PDFs when using a portal link for encrypted content.
<!-- 140983 - Report not generating PDF when using link in portal -->
* Fixed an issue in the Gantt charts with the display of the long date format '''January 03, 2022 (mmmm dd, yyyy)'''.
<!-- 140578 - QA Issue: Start/End Date not displaying correctly in Gantt Chart Bars when you have Long date Format set -->
* Fixed an issue with renaming files in SmartFolders.
<!-- 140979 - QA Issue: Blank page if i try and rename file in smartfolder -->
===September 8th 2022 (202209.01)===
* Fixed an issue where the number of precision values was not being applied to the custom field type '''Special - Chart''' if the chart had a '''Number Format''' set to '''None.'''
<!-- 135527 - Values on Field Special-Chart -->
* Fixed an issue with the “'''Within the last X days”''' clause of the '''Advanced Search''' criteria when the NOT operator was in use.
<!-- 138882 - Listview filter 'Within the last x days' is not working -->
* Fixed an issue with the '''Upload - Multiple File Storage''' field where the file limit could be bypassed by enabling''' Keep Version''', uploading a file with the same name as a previously uploaded file, and utilizing the <code>.uploadlink</code> variable.
<!-- 139097 - More than 2 files can be uploaded to References -->
* Fixed an issue with the versioning on '''Upload - Single File Storage''' field where the file type restriction was not being pulled from the desired version.
<!-- 139967 - Single file upload field error -->
* Fixed an issue with emulating a user where if you switched the language setting, it was not applying the new language setting everywhere.
<!-- 139212 - Language Settings Issue When Emulating Users in French -->
* Fixed an issue with email activities where Level 2 formulas were not executing when an email was created from a Level 1 record directly instead of being triggered by a workflow.
<!-- 139667 - Simons - Type formulas not executing for email activities -->
* Fixed an issue with the '''Lookup - Autocomplete Options''' custom field where records using <code>ssRetiredOptions</code> were appearing in the list of options.
<!-- 140182 - RID Field 1867084 -->
* Fixed an issue with portal sections of the type''' List View''' that are using the '''Record Count''' setting. If a user clicks the '''Show More''' link, the results will no longer be restricted to the height of the section on the previous page.
<!-- 139158 - Smart Connect API Consumer/Provider Update Not Creating a Connection -->
* Fixed an Issue with the SmartConnect API when Consumer was a level 2 and the Provider was a level 1.
<!-- Workflow not triggering when application created -->
* Fixed an issue where status related workflow was not triggered when the initial save on the record was triggered by auto save.
<!-- 140820 - Due diligence (transaction) record issues -->
* Fixed an issue where users were not able to override the lock on status for transactions.
====Other Changes====
* Added a new column to the '''Invitations History''' called '''Invite Sent''' which can be sorted in descending order by date and time. To see the''' Invitation History''', go to the desired UTA record and click '''Logs''' > '''Invitations History'''.
<!-- 138153 - Should invitation history be ordered in descending order based on date like other histories? -->
* Added a new option in the '''Custom Field Translation Settings''' so you can use a different file name per language when you rename uploaded files. To see this setting, edit an Upload – Single /Multiple file upload custom field and click '''Custom Field Translation Settings'''.
<!-- 114975 - no option for translation of file name -->
* Added a new''' Integration Key Management''' option called '''PGP Key''' which can be used for encryption in the report export and decryption in the autoloader.
<!-- 128992 - PGP encryption keys added in the Integration Key Management -->
* Updated the display of the '''Special - Like Button Rating''' custom field so the thumbs up and down will display in PDFs.
<!-- 138081 - The PDF of the Special - Like button rating field need more clarification to details -->
* Updated SmartCheck validation to work with the new long form date format, such as '''January 03, 2022 (mmmm dd, yyyy)'''.
<!-- 140180 - SmartCheck Validation doesn't work with new date format -->
* Added an option of “Last 3 Months” to the '''System Usage Chart''' located at '''Global Settings''' > '''Systems''' tab.
<!-- 138372 - System Usage Chart - All option just shows last 24 hours -->
* Deprecated the classic setting to hide the top button action bar on the user profile. Previously, this setting was located at '''Global Settings''' >''' Security''' tab > '''System Visibility Permissions''' > '''People''' tab > '''Hide Menu Bar'''.
<!-- 139297 - cannot close split screen -->
* Added security patches for open source components.
<!-- 136472 - HP Fortify - Vulnerable Open Source Components -->
* Updated the state/province standard field options for Kenya and the U.K.
<!-- 139609 - Standard Field - State / Province Incorrect for Kenya (ID 1056) -->
<!-- 136592 - Council Area drop down options in Organisation Profile -->
* Updated wording on the SmartSimple Cloud cookie policy for added clarity.
<!-- 139220 - Cookies -->
===August 25th 2022 (202208.02)===
Fixed an issue where the address book would retrieve multiple addresses for the same organization if the organization '''State''' field was left empty.
<!-- 138441 - Seeing autolaoded orgs listed with multiple addresses -->
===August 11th 2022 (202208.01)===
* Fixed an issue with custom report search where the search criteria would not automatically minimize when a query was performed.
<!-- 139881 - Custom Report (Intern Search) not displaying results -->
* Fixed an issue with the '''Lookup - Autocomplete Options''' custom field where the field would lose focus when a search was performed.
<!-- 136834 - Priority area/interview location quick edit window -->
* Fixed an issue where running the T2P tool would overwrite the access tokens for Docusign when the integration links option is not selected.
<!-- 138689 - Prevent overwriting DocuSign Access by T2P -->
====Other Changes====
* Added a new option to hide the '''Publications''' tab in the left hand navigation on a level 1 record view. To see this setting, go to '''UTA Configuration Settings''' > '''Level 1''' tab > '''Disable Publications Tab'''.
<!-- 137726 - Hide transactions (publications) from Left Panel -->
* Added archived standard field and custom field audit tables to the '''Report Builder'''.
<!-- 137973 - Older logs not appearing in reports -->
* Updated the pie chart for reports so that the x-axis information is also displayed.
<!-- 138973 - Report Chart Issue (Pie Chart) -->
* Fixed an issue with attached PDF previews where portfolio PDFs were displaying icons instead of content. Additionally, any file generation errors would be appended to the last page of the PDF.
<!-- 139582 - Biosketches not being included in Application Preview after upgrade -->
<!-- 139606 - Behavior of PDF generation using SSAttach when there are errors -->
* Updated the translation files for Danish.
<!-- 139631 - Danish translations for July 2022 upgrade. -->
===August 4th 2022 (202207.03)===
* Fixed an issue with the French Canadian translation file that prevented web page views from displaying.
<!-- 139697 - WPVs are blank for french users -->
* Fixed an issue with the sorting of rows by '''Last Modified''' date in the custom fields list view.
<!-- 139522 - sort by last modified not working -->
===July 28th 2022 (202207.02)===
* Fixed an issue with time-based one-time password (TOTP) where the field for entering the code was not visible on the session timeout screen.
<!-- 139477 - QA Issue: Session Timeout login not working with TOTP MFA -->
* Added a server-wide setting to set a maximum API record limit per call, up to a maximum of 25,000 records per call. To set this limit, go to '''Global Settings''' >''' System''' tab > '''Gort Agent''' > '''Server Details '''tab > '''API Record Limit Per Call'''.
<!-- 138655 - Upgrade API call to Max 25000 records per page -->
* Fixed an issue with the display of the thousands separator for currency fields in the '''Advanced Data Table''' using a language setting of Spanish.
<!-- 138702 - Miles separator is not showed in ADT field -->
* Added ability to display '''User Type''' and '''Login Access''' fields in '''User Lookup List Views'''. To see these new options, go to '''Global Settings''' > '''Users''' tab > '''Lookup List Views''' > Edit a list view > '''Columns''' tab.
<!-- 139011 - Point of Contact Field lookup shows incorrectly if user has access -->
====Other Changes====
* Updated the Catalan, Danish, Spanish, and French (Canada) translation files
<!-- 139403 - July 2022 Upgrade translations –>

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