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Scheduled Report Export

1,239 bytes added, 20:46, 9 August 2022
Configuration - Essentials
:* Custom Export - export file based on settings from [[Custom_Export|'''Custom Export''']] tab
* '''Export File Name''' - file name of the file can be specified including stamp date. It is recommended to append a timestamp. To stamp the date, use [YYYY],[YY],[MM],[DD],[HH],[mm]. i.e. MyExportedReport_[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD].
*: Note that the file extension should not be included in this section i.e. '''PaymentDetails_[YYYY]-[MM]_[DD] '''  and NOT "PaymentDetails_[YYYY]-[MM]_[DD].csv"  The extension of the file should be specified in the a.) ''Export Format'' dropdown in the [[Exporting_Reports|'''File Export''']] tab  for standard File Export or b.) ''File Extension'' textbox in the [[Custom_Export|'''Custom Export''']] tab for custom export reports.
* '''Do not export file when no record found  '''-  no file will be exported when this toggle is enabled
* '''Export with Linked Reports '''- this feature can be used to extend the number of columns past the current limit by joining multiple reports. This feature is only available for report exports using File Export format. 
* '''Activate '''- this toggle should be enabled for scheduled/in demand export.
* '''Run Type''' -  choose from the dropdown
** '''On Demand '''- used when the report is linked to an autoloader
** '''Scheduled '''- choose frequency for scheduled export of this report
* '''Frequency''' - How often should the report be exported.
: ''Options:''
:* DisabledEvery Day:* DailyEvery Week:* WeeklyEvery Month:* MonthlyEvery Year:* Quarterly:* Yearly:* On Demand - used when report is linked to an autoloader.Custom
* '''AtHours''' - specify time for the scheduled export* '''StartingStart Date''' - specify the start date for the scheduled export* '''Export File Name''' - file name of the file can be specified including stamp date. It is recommended to append a timestamp. To stamp the date, use [YYYY],[YY],[MM],[DD],[HH],[mm]. i.e. MyExportedReport_[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD].
: Note that the file extension should not be included in this section i.e. '''PaymentDetails_[YYYY]-[MM]_[DD] '''  and NOT "PaymentDetails_[YYYY]-[MM]_[DD].csv"  The extension of the file should be specified in the a.) ''Export Format'' dropdown in the [[Exporting_Reports|'''File Export''']] tab  for standard File Export or b.) ''File Extension'' textbox in the [[Custom_Export|'''Custom Export''']] tab for custom export reports.
<span style="color: #ff0000;">Settings below are available after the March 2020 upgrade.</span>
*** '''SmartFolder'''
** '''Folder''' - - select the subfolder where you would like the file to be saved.
* '''Export to sftpto SFTP'''
** '''Integration Key''' - select an existing integration key from the [[Integration Key Management]] from the dropdown list or click the "+" icon to create a new integration key.
** '''SFTP Folder Path''' - sftp folder location where the files will be pushed i.e. /in or /out or /Payments/inbound* '''Encryption '''- the exported file from this report can now be encrypted by adding the PGP Encryption Key** '''PGP Encryption Key''' - select the key from the dropdown. If the keys are not added, you can add it** '''Encrypt file exported to selected folder''' - enable if you want the file sent to the SmartFolder/Configuration Folder to be encrypted** '''Encrypt file exported to SFTP '''- enable if you want the file sent to the SFTP to be encrypted 
* '''Process On Every Record After Export'''
** '''Update Status''' - updates the status of every record in the report to the selected status from the drop down list. Note that a status change will trigger any workflows associated with the status being changed to. workflows will be triggered with this change of the status
** '''Trigger Workflow''' - workflow selected will be triggered to all records after export.
Note that '''Update Status''' will be processed first before '''Trigger Workflow''' is triggered.
*'''Link Report Export''' - select another report that you want to link to this report to be processed after this report has been processed. * '''Send Email Notification On Completion''' - ability to email a list of users and or roles that will be emailed the exported file as an attachment.
<!--94110 - Report Export - Scheduled Email Subscriptions-->
*** '''Email Template''' - select an email template for the emails sent to selected users*** '''Roles''' - send emails to users based on their roles*** '''Select Users''' - select users to send the email to*** '''Attach Exported File in Email''' - option to attach the exported file on to the email sent out. Applicable only when the file is exported to a SmartFolder or a Configuration Folder** '''Send Email Notification When Export Failed''' - select users to send notification to** '''Users''' - select users you want to send failed notification to* '''Scheduled Export Status'''*** '''Last Scheduled Exported''' - time and date of the last scheduled export.*** '''Last Run''' - time and date of the last run.*** '''Ad-Hoc Run''' - time and date of the last Ad-Hoc run 
'''Example to configure schedule'''

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