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306 bytes removed, 16:04, 28 June 2022
no edit summary
<!-- 137188 - Media library search in portals not working as expected -->
* Updated the default display size of the '''Upload - Image''' fields on web page views to be 500 pixels wide.
<!-- 136852 - Additional issue - Display of image upload field in application pdf #135922 -->
<!-- 136422 - Missing Restrict Organization Open link in the lookup field -->
* Updated the CKEditor for rich text to version 4.1819.0.
<!-- 137563 - Netcraft Pentest Scan - V1. Outdated JavaScript libraries - CKEditor -->
===May 19th 2022 (202205.03)===
<!-- 137328 - P3 Script not working -->
===May 12th 2022 (202205.01)===
<!-- 135763 - QA Issue: Unable to update the start date using Quick Edit -->
====Other Changes====
* A new version of the SmartConnect API is available. The new update includes changes to the syntax and format of requests and responses. See the latest version of API functions in action by visiting [ the API sample instance].
<!-- 136148 - SmartConnect API version 2 -->
* Updated the look of the server maintenance and''' Record Lock''' messages.
<!-- 94811 - record lock on level 1 looks poor / 86355 - server maintenance message -->
* Added tooltips to the left hand navigation captions on record pages so the full caption can be read in the tooltip if it gets truncated.
<!-- 136231 - UI issue around standard field tabs on left hand side -->
===April 21st 2022 (202204.02)===

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