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Creating a workflow with scheduled reminders

53 bytes removed, 18:31, 17 May 2022
Creating a New Workflow
# Click the '''Menu Icon ''' and under the System Processes , click the select '''Workflows''' linkunder System Process. You can also access this by going into the ''' Global Settings ''' > System tab '''System''' tab <br /> [[File:Workflow Settings.png|thumb|none|800px|Workflow Settings]]# The On the '''Workflows ''' page is displayed. Click , click on the plus button to create a new workflow. <br /> [[File:Workflows_Main_Page.png|thumb|none|800px|Add a new Workflow]]# Select the '''Workflow typeType'''. The type will dictate what options will be available when creating T'''tasksasks''' and where the actions will occur. For this workflow, we’re going to be selecting '''Tracking Activities'''. We are selecting '''Tracking Activities ''' for this workflow because we are looking at level 2 records which in this case are the reports. <br />[[File:Create a Report Reminder Workflow - Main setup page.png|thumb|none|800px|Create a Report Reminder Workflow - Main setup page]]  * # Give the workflow a '''Name''', add the workflow to a '''Category''' , and add a brief '''Description''' to summarize the tasks within it, including any branching conditions for ease of review later. It is also recommended to keep track of any changes made to the task by adding some notes.&nbsp;** Categories are created by your organization. We suggest creating categories based on the UTA and Record Levelrecord level.&nbsp;*** EX: Reports - Reminders** Suggested The following naming conventionis recommended to avoid confusion: Activity Level (1/2/3) - Goal/Status/Reminders<br data-attributes="%20/">.*** EX: Grants Manager L1/L2 * # Set the '''Trigger on''' to determine what automated tasks are going to be triggered in this workflow.&nbsp;** This will define when your workflow is triggered.** Depending on the workflow type'''Workflow Type''', you will be selecting from a list of statuses.&nbsp;** In our example, the activities will have been created in ‘Scheduled’ the 'Scheduled' status. This is what we will set the trigger to as a result. * # A '''termination triggerTermination Trigger''' should be set for any workflow that’s that is scheduling tasks for the future. This will cancel any pending tasks if it is no longer required. In this example, if the applicant submits their reports ahead of the due date, the report status will change to 'Submitted', which can be set as a termination trigger on the workflow and prevent unnecessary reminders. * # Click the '''Save ''' button. The workflow is saved and the '''Workflow ID ''' is now populated
Now you’ll see some additional options relating to this workflow. You can add notes, view the list of tasks, workflow connections, pending queue for upcoming workflow tasks, and a history of when this workflow was triggered.

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