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118 bytes added, 21:50, 25 February 2022
no edit summary
===Major Updates===
====Deprecation of Classic Options on User and Organization Signup Pages====
The following settings that were found on the “Classic Options” Tab have been Deprecated. Specifically: Internal Entry, Internal Format, Attach Web Form, Create folder for user. If these features were enabled, you will still see the settings. Otherwise, the settings will no longer be visible. If you create a new Signup page, you will no longer have the option to enable these features.
<!--116874 - Classic options on User and organization signup pages-->
===Minor Updates===
====Added Type Icon Color Options for List Views====
Added an option in the list view settings where the user can choose between the '''Type''' or '''Status''' for the icon color. To view, edit or create a new list view > '''Properties''' tab > '''Color Code Based On'''.
<!--125156 - choose type color instead of status for icons on level 1 list views-->
====Updates to the Sent Message Queue====
We have added a new button called “View Message” to easily preview sent email messages in the Message Queue. Email messages that contain HTML and formatting (not plain text) will not be automatically rendered. Instead, you will have an option to open the email contents securely in a new window. To see this new functionality, navigate to Menu Icon > Message Queue > Sent tab > Click the icon on the far right of each record.
===Minor Updates===
====Added Ability to Choose Type as Icon Color for Level 1 List Views====
Added the ability to choose the Type color for the icon on Level 1 list views. Previously, the Level 1 list view icons always used the Status color, whereas level 2s and 3s had the option to choose. To see the new setting called “Color Code Based On“, navigate to the configuration screen of a Level 1 list view.
<!--125156 - choose type color instead of status for icons on level 1 list views-->
====Updated the Ability to Set Role-Based IP Restrictions for Login====
You can now set an allow list of IP addresses per role which will be used to only allow certain IP addresses to log into the system under a specific role. To see the new setting for this additional layer of security, navigate Global Settings > Users tab > Roles > Edit a role > Permissions tab. .
<!--129109 - D&B Watch List Scanning Integration-->
==Beta Previews==
No features are available for beta preview this upgrade.

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