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6,777 bytes removed, 17:18, 22 February 2022
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===Minor Updates===
==Service Packs==
===February 17th 2022 (202202.02)===
* Fixed an issue with the '''Report Builder Criteria''' where functions such as IN () or NOT IN () wouldn't be accepted if there was a space character before the opening parenthesis. Both variations of the syntax will now be accepted.
<!-- 134907 - BUG: Report Criteria function syntax issue -->
===February 11th 2022 (202202.01)===
* Fixed an issue where records were staying locked even though the user was no longer editing the record.
<!-- 132761 - Record Lock issue -->
* Updated the '''History''' tab on Workflow record pages to display historical items more than 2 years old in a new tab called '''Archive'''.
* Fixed an encoding issue for M4A audio files that was preventing playback.
<!-- 132816 - Audio File Playback Issue -->
====Other Changes====
<!-- 132962 - Workflow History incomplete -->
* Updated the '''Text Box - Multiple Line''' custom field to only convert line break characters into HTML break tags in form fields to preserve line breaks in scenarios such as when variables are processed in a Word Merge.
<!-- 133059 - Field Type: Text Box - Multiple Line -->
* Updated report query API calls to display a maximum of 10,000 records per call.
<!-- 132607 - API 10,000 Record Limit Question -->
* Updated the behavior of new consumer record creation to redirect the user back to the parent record when creating a publication from a consumer UTA.
<!-- 132966 - After creation of new consumer, screen is not redirect back to the consumerL1. -->
* Updated security matrixes to prompt users when a change is made. The reason for the change must be entered before the update will take effect. By default, an email will also be sent to all '''System Administrators''' notifying them of the change. You can adjust who receives the notification email by going to '''Global Settings''' > '''Security''' > '''Security Matrix Updates - Users to Notify'''.
<!-- 129533 - Additional Audit on Security Matrix -->
* Updated fields using '''Custom Lookup Options''' so that the selected result can be returned during a list view search query.
<!-- 133093 - Searching Fields that use Custom lookup Options -->
* Updated list view record visibility conditions for users who are added to a UTA record role with a '''Deny''' permission applied. These users will no longer be able to see the record in their list views.
<!-- 133253 - Users added in a UTA role that has deny access permissions are still able to see the record in the list view -->
===January 25th 2022 (202111.07)===
====Other Changes====
* Made minor additions related to future enhancements.
===January 24th 2022 (202111.06)===
====Other Changes====
* Made minor additions related to future enhancements.
===December 13th 2021 (202111.05)===
* Fixed an issue where the predefined options in a dropdown field that enabled dynamic content were being limited.
<!--133264 - Drowdown fields not showing pre defined options anymore -->
* Fixed an issue where certain fields on GuideStar Charity Check Field were not populating due to a recent change in the GuideStar API data structure.
<!--133014 - Nov. Software Upgrade Glitch: Charity Check Field No Longer Displays on Screen-->
* Fixed an issue with the '''Question Set Builder''' field where the mandatory validation message was preventing uploads to a multiple file upload field.
<!--For 133206 - Uploads issues via Special - Question Set Builder -->
===December 9th 2021 (202111.04)===
* Fixed an issue where options from the '''Lookup - Autocomplete Options''' custom field did not have a hard limit on how many were displayed when dynamic content was enabled. The query will now only display the first set of options based on the user’s personal setting for '''Auto Complete Number of Records Displayed'''.
<!--132911 - Unable to create a SAR (Service Activity Record)-->
* Fixed an issue with the display of status history and the stamped IDs in workflows and transactions. When an '''Update Standard Field''' workflow is triggered, the old status and ID will be displayed instead of “No Status” and a zero ID.
<!--132307 - Merck Status history showing a zero id-->
====Other Changes====
* Updated the behaviour of how changes are applied to fields using '''Dynamic Field Visibility Control'''. When an option is changed in a branch, it will copy its sub-branches to a new branch and delete the old branch to ensure consistency and prevent potential problems when relocating parent fields/options.
<!--132047 - Dynamic Field Visibility Control error-->
* Updated the length limit of the number of statuses allowed on termination triggers.
<!--133021 - Unable to Update/Save Workflow Termination Triggers if More than 42-->
===November 26th 2021 (202111.03)===
* Fixed an issue with the contact lookup on the '''Authenticated Member Configurations''' page which was displaying a blank modal.
<!-- 132825 - Authenticated Member Config Contact lookup page is blank -->
* Fixed issue where the variables provided as parameters for a report property syntax containing special characters that were sanitized with our XSS output filter which caused the reports to not return any results
<!-- 132825 - Authenticated Member Config Contact lookup page is blank -->
* Fixed an issue where a blank screen was displayed when opening an application from the organization or user profile due to an error if the content being passed within the sscalculation syntax is empty
<!-- 132844 - Cannot open applications from the Organization/User profiles -->
===November 25th 2021 (202111.02)===
* Fixed an issue in the list view of the '''UTA Consumer/Provider''' tab within a record where users who gained access to a Provider/Consumer tab on a record could see all records linked through the Provider/Consumer association. Visibility of these records will now adhere to the '''Provider/Consumer UTA Security Matrix'''.
<!--132274 - Provider/Consumer list views are not restricting results based on security matrix-->
====Other Changes====
* Updated the '''Special - Advanced Data Table''' to enable mapping and added support for the <code>.displayvalue</code> variable syntax in order to return the display value of a table cell from the mapped records.
<!-- 130874 - Advanced Data table cell display name-->
* Added an option clause to the list syntax to preserve line breaks if needed. For example, to preserve the line breaks on a list of Level 2 UTA Providers, type: <code>[#(?(object =utaproviderL2;preservelinebreak=1)$123456$#]</code> , where 123456 is the Custom Field ID. Without this clause, line breaks will be converted to HTML break tags.
<!-- 132124 - HTML tags showing in Word Merge-->

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