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30,289 bytes added, 17:07, 22 February 2022
Created page with "==General Details== ===Upgrade Dates=== Public Cloud Production release date: '''November 11 2021'''<br /> Public Cloud Backup release date: '''October 26 2021''' Private Clo..."
==General Details==
===Upgrade Dates===
Public Cloud Production release date: '''November 11 2021'''<br />
Public Cloud Backup release date: '''October 26 2021'''

Private Cloud Production (Managed Upgrades) release date: '''November 25 2021'''<br />
Private Cloud Backup (Managed Upgrades) release date: '''November 11 2021'''

Watch this video to get a general overview of the new features in this release.


''To watch this video in full screen, please click on the '''full screen''' button on the bottom right.''

==Global System Upgrades==
The new features listed below are enhancements to the SmartSimple system and will be immediately available to SmartSimple users upon the application of the upgrade to their server:

===Major Updates===
====Deprecation of Classic Header====
Deprecated the classic header. All systems will automatically be switched over to use the compact header. The classic header is no longer supported or available.
<!--119952 - Deprecate the non-compact header-->

[[File:2021-11-ticket-119952-1.png|thumb|none|800px|The classic header style has been deprecated and will no longer be available.]]
[[File:2021-11-ticket-119952-2.png|thumb|none|800px|All headers will automatically be converted to use the compact style.]]

====Updated Visibility of Features Under the Menu for Global Administrators====
Updated what features appear to '''Global Administrators''' under the menu icon located at the top right of the header. '''Global Administrators''' previously saw features like '''Organization Hierarchy''' and '''Email Broadcast''' automatically under the menu icon, regardless of the menu role permissions set for these features. To ensure your '''Global Administrators''' have a seamless experience after the upgrade we suggest you adjust your settings to give '''Global Administrators''' menu access to the features they use prior to the upgrade.

For example, to ensure '''Global Administrators''' can see the '''Organization Hierarchy''' go to '''Menu Icon''' > '''Global Settings''' > '''Security''' > '''System Feature Permission''' > '''Menu''' tab and add the desired roles to '''Organization Hierarchy - Menu Access'''. An easy way to adjust these settings is to go to '''Role Based Entry Mode'''. Then click the desired role and check what you wish to see and save.

<u>'''Note:'''</u> Some features have two settings: one for the ''visibility'' of the feature under the menu (found under the '''Menu''' tab) and another for ''access'' to the feature (found under the '''Feature''' tab).

<!--128360 - Issues when configuring access to Email Broadcast-->
[[File:2021-11-ticket-128360-1.png|thumb|none|800px|Menu access permission will be enforced for Global Administrators. If a Global Administrator is not granted access to the above menu items, they will no longer see these links after the upgrade.]]
====Enhanced List View Search====
Enhanced the list view search to always display the '''Type''', '''Status''', '''Column''', and '''Filter''' dropdowns to make searching more intuitive. These drop downs filters previously were only visible when you clicked into the search box.

<u>'''Note:'''</u> The '''Advanced Search''' icon has also changed and is now located to the far right of the search bar and can be toggled to display or hide.
<!--124361 - Proposed Search Design-->

[[File:2021-11-ticket-124361-1.png|thumb|none|800px|The search has moved onto its own line and the <strong>Type</strong>, <strong>Status</strong>, <strong>Column</strong>, and <strong>Filter</strong> dropdowns are no longer hidden inside the search input.]]

[[File:2021-11-ticket-124361-2.png|thumb|none|800px|The look of the <strong>Advanced Search</strong> icon has changed and the button is now located at the end of the search bar (far right) and behaves like a toggle.]]

====Updated Message Display on SmartCheck Validation====
Updated the display of '''SmartCheck''' validation to display messages underneath the affected fields rather than floating above fields to avoid obscuring content. The visual treatment of these messages have also been enhanced.
<!--124380 - Make SmartCheck validation work like the configuration page field validation?-->

[[File:2021-11-ticket-124380-1.png|thumb|none|800px|SmartCheck validation will now display underneath affected fields rather than floating above fields obscuring content. The visual treatment of these messages has also been enhanced.]]

====Enhancements to Scheduling Options for Autoloaders, Reports, and Archives====
Added a new scheduler for autoloaders, report exports, and archive schedules for greater scheduling flexibility. For existing autoloaders and archive schedules, you can now set a '''Start Date''' to initiate any missed scheduled runs. If you have an existing report with a scheduled export set up, you will need to toggle on the new scheduler to take advantage of the new scheduling options. To access this new setting for report exports, navigate to '''Menu Icon''' > '''Reports''' > Edit a '''Report''' > Click '''Export''' in the left navigation > '''Scheduled Export''' tab > Toggle on '''Enable New Scheduler'''.
<!--108001 - Autoloader automated schedule-->

[[File:2021-11-ticket-108001-1.png|thumb|none|800px|The view of the improved scheduler with more options.]]

===Minor Updates===
====Added Custom Fail-safe Limit for Workflow Emails====
Added a custom fail-safe limit for workflow generated emails. If the number of emails generated by any individual workflow during each mail queue cycle exceeds a custom defined limit, the excess emails will placed "On Hold". Administrators will need to review and release emails put "On Hold" from the '''Message Queue''' located at '''Menu Icon''' > '''Global Settings''' > '''Communications''' tab. You can also specify which users to notify when the custom email limit is reached under '''Menu Icon''' > '''Global Settings''' > '''Communications''' tab > '''Users to Notify'''.
<!--127005 - Workflow email fail safe on hold limit-->

====Improvements to Upload - Multiple File Storage Custom Field====
Added an optional description column to the list of files in the '''Upload - Multiple Files Storage''' custom field. This description field also supports hashtags and can be set to be mandatory.

<u>'''Note:'''</u> The description column is not available if '''Enable Media Library''' is toggled on.

[[File:2021-11-ticket-121427-1.png|thumb|none|800px|The look of the new optional description column on the list of files in the <strong>Upload - Multiple Files Storage</strong> custom field which can easily be set as mandatory.]]

Improved the look and feel of file upload modal window to improve readability.

[[File:2021-11-ticket-115760-1.png|thumb|none|800px|The look and feel of the <strong>Upload - Multiple Files Storage</strong> custom field modal window before and after the upgrade.]]

<!--115760 - multiple file upload modal refresh-->
<!--121427 - Media Library Functionality for Non-Media Files-->
====Added Ability to Import Notes in the Autoloader====
Added the ability to use the autoloader to import '''Notes'''. To see the new setting, navigate to the '''General''' tab on the desired autoloader. When the '''Record Type''' is set to '''Company''', '''User''' or a '''UTA''', you will be able to select '''Notes''' from the '''Item''' dropdown.

'''<u>Note:</u>''' All notes imported will appear as new notes that can only be edited by a System Administrator.
<!--122291 - Map Autoloader to Notes-->

====Enhancements to System Security====
Enhanced the '''System Security Summary''' page to list potential security issues with signup pages. For example, signup pages will be flagged if they create a role for new users which would enable the user to view or edit all organizations, suborganizations or their own organization. The system security summary can be found under '''Global Settings''' > '''Security''' tab.

Updated the look of indicators within the '''Organization''' and '''User Security Matrix''' for added clarity. Indicators for roles that have yet to be configured will now contain a grey circle rather than a red "x" mark. The button that clears a configuration has been relabeled "Clear" to avoid confusion. To see these changes on the '''User Security Matrix''' or '''Organization Security Matrix''', go to '''Global Settings''' > '''Security''' tab.
<!--122444 - Clarity around clear and save (Delete) buttons-->
<!--129570 - Security audit page enhancements and email-->

[[File:2021-11-ticket-122444-1.png|thumb|none|800px|Updated the look of indicators within the <strong>Organization</strong> and <strong>User Security Matrix</strong>. The grey circle replaces the red X if no security settings are configured or if the settings are cleared.]]

====Added Ability to Add Hashtags Directly To Hashtag Library====
Added the ability to add hashtags and hashtag categories directly into the '''Hashtag Library'''. Navigate to '''Global Settings''' > '''Hashtag Library''' to see the new button above the list view. A note has also been added beside the refresh button letting users know that use counts are updated daily.
<!--124323 - Hashtag Library-->

====Updated Permission Quick Edit Feature with Copy/Paste Ability====
Enhanced the '''Permission Quick Edit''' feature to allow the permissions of custom fields based on '''Role''', '''Type''' or '''Status''' to be quickly copied and pasted into other columns. To view permission quick edit, navigate to '''UTA Configuration Settings''' > '''Level 1/2/3''' tab > '''Custom Fields''' > Click the '''Permission Quick Edit''' button in the list view actions bar (lock icon) > Click the ellipses icon on your desired column and copy the settings and then paste the settings into the desired target column.
<!--125246 - Custom Fields - Permission Quick Edit - Ability to simply apply field settings from one type to another type-->

====Updates to Lookup - Autocomplete Options Custom Field====
Updated the behavior of the '''Lookup - Autocomplete Options''' custom field so that when the user first clicks into the field, a list of options will display automatically. Before, the options were only displayed once the user started typing.

[[File:2021-11-ticket-124345-1.png|thumb|none|800px|The <strong>Lookup - Autocomplete Options</strong> custom field will now display a list of options automatically when the user clicks into the field.]]

A new setting was also added that allows users to set how many records to initially display in autocomplete lookup fields. The rest of the records will still be accessible by scrolling. To set this up, go to '''User Menu''' > '''Personal Settings''' > '''Display''' tab > '''Auto Complete Number of Records Displayed'''.
<!--74198 - Increase Auto Complete Number of Records Displayed for Existing Users-->
<!--124345 - Display lookup field options immediately when selecting-->

====Updated Report Builder Behavior====
Updated the behavior of the '''Report Builder''' so that when you drag and drop a dataset field into a column, the column header is populated by the '''Caption''' rather than the '''Field Name'''. This was done to reduce time spent renaming columns.
<!--124129 - Report Builder Update Add Field Behavior to Set Column Header to Field Caption-->

====Updates to Global CAPTCHA Validation Behavior====
Updated CAPTCHA ([ Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart]) settings. If you set the '''CAPTCHA Type''' to '''Google reCAPTCHA''' and the system cannot detect the user’s country, the user will now be shown the '''Alternate CAPTCHA''' instead of '''Google reCAPTCHA'''. CAPTCHA settings can be configured at '''Menu Icon''' > '''Global Settings''' > '''Security''' tab > '''Global CAPTCHA Validation'''.
<!--128072 - Start one System register issue-->

====New Column for SmartFolder List Views====
Added a column called "Owner" to SmartFolder lists so you can easily tell who uploaded a file or created a folder.
<!--124101 - Show User in SmartFolder List Views-->

[[File:2021-11-ticket-124101-1.png|thumb|none|800px|New "Owner" column displayed in SmartFolder lists so you can easily tell who uploaded a file or created a folder.]]

==On-Demand System Upgrades==
The following features are available immediately with the application of the upgrade, but must first be enabled or configured by a '''Global Administrator''':

===Major Updates===
====Enhancements to Media Library====
Added the ability to display media thumbnails and play video and audio media directly from the list view. Also added the ability to display media thumbnails in reports. To configure, navigate to the desired '''Upload - Multiple Files Storage''' custom field which has '''Enable Media Library''' toggled on and then toggle on '''Enable Media Thumbnails in List Views'''.
<!--127725 - Be able to show the public URL to videos and audio from the media library in list views and reports.-->

[[File:2021-11-ticket-127725-1.png|thumb|none|800px|Media library thumbnails as seen on a list view with video playing inline.]]

====Enhancements to Impact Maps====
Enhanced '''Impact Maps''' to include system filters, custom messaging, aggregation types, currency and precision. To configure the impact map, go to '''UTA Settings''' > '''Level 1/2''' tab > '''Impact Maps'''.
<!--88956 - Impact Map Feature Enhancements-->

[[File:2021-11-ticket-88956-1.png|thumb|none|800px|The <strong>Impact Map</strong> now include system filters, custom messaging, aggregation types, currency and precision settings.]]

====Updated Report Export to Chain Scheduled Exports====
Added ability to run a report export directly after the currently scheduled report export. This gives you the ability to chain scheduled reports together. The new setting is called '''Sequential Report Export''' and can be configured by going to '''Menu Icon''' > '''Reports''' > Edit desired report > '''Export''' tab in left navigation > '''Scheduled Export''' tab
<!--126767 - Ability to chain scheduled exported reports-->

====Updated Line Chart Custom Field for Multiple Lines====
Updated the '''Special - Chart''' custom field to allow multiple series on the y-axis. To use, navigate to the configuration settings of any '''Special - Chart''' custom field. When '''Data Type''' is set to '''Records related to object''' and '''Chart Type''' is set to '''Line''', you will see a plus icon under '''Y-Axis''' that allows you to add multiple lines.
<!--126630 - Allow Multiple Lines on Line Chart Custom Field-->

[[File:2021-11-ticket-126630-1.png|thumb|none|800px|An example of the <strong>Special - Chart</strong> custom field on a record showing a line chart of with multiple activity series in the Y Axis.]]

===Minor Updates===
====Added Login Link and Email Confirmation Options on Signup Pages====
Added the ability to include a login link on signup pages for users who already have an existing account. For example, if a user receives an invitation at their personal email and they already have a user account under a different (work) email, then they can click the login link on the signup page to use their existing account instead of creating another account. To configure the link, navigate to '''Global Settings''' > '''Users''' or '''Company''' tab > '''Signup Pages''' > Edit an existing signup page > Toggle on '''Display Login Link on Page'''. To redirect to an existing signup page, enter “''Already have an account? Login''” for the '''Link Text''' and enter “''/s_Login.jsp”'' for '''Link URL'''.

Added a new option to help reduce typos when users enter their email address into signup pages. A new toggle called '''Enable Email Confirmation''' will render an email confirmation field directly under the email standard field. The new setting can be found at to '''Global Settings''' > '''Users''' tab > '''Signup Pages''' and edit the desired signup page.
<!--126629 - Enhancement: Link Existing Account when Accepting Invitation-->
<!--126662 - Confirm Email Address Option on Registration Pages-->

[[File:2021-11-ticket-126629-1.png|thumb|none|800px|Optional login link on signup pages for users who already have an existing account.]]

====Added Ability to Restrict Email Template Availability by UTA====
Added the ability to specify which UTA an email template applies to so it's easier to send specific email templates from a desired UTA. To configure the new setting, navigate to '''Menu Icon''' > '''Email''' > '''Templates''' tab > Edit the desired template > Select either '''UTA Level 1''' or '''UTA Level 2 & 3''' under the '''Category''' dropdown. This will reveal the new UTA dropdown setting where you can pick the desired UTA.
<!--126190 - Restrict Email Templates to UTAs-->

====Added Status Filter Lookups to Customer and Branch Standard Field====
Updated the '''Customer''' and '''Branch''' standard field by adding the ability to filter lookups by status. To configure, navigate to '''UTA Configuration Settings''' > '''Level 1''' tab > '''Standard Fields''' > Edit '''Customer''' or '''Branch''' > Scroll down to the '''Lookup Filter''' section.
<!--122198 - Customer Standard field does not have a feature to filter by Organization status-->

====Added Ability to Display Checkboxes and Radio Buttons in View Mode and in PDFs====
Added the ability to easily display checkboxes and radio buttons in view mode and in PDFs. To enable, go to the desired '''Select One – Radio Buttons''' or '''Select Many – Checkboxes''' custom field and toggle on '''Show Checkboxes/Radio Buttons in View Mode'''. You can easily toggle this setting on for many fields at once by using the custom field batch update and specifically selecting '''Show Checkboxes/Radio Buttons''' in the side panel.
<!--125931 - Checkboxes not displaying properly in PDF-->

[[File:2021-11-ticket-125931-1.png|thumb|none|800px|Optionally surface checkboxes and radio buttons in view mode and in PDFs.]]

====Extended Ability to Create Custom Buttons to Portal Section Types====
Extended the ability to easily create custom buttons on various portal section types. This ability was originally only available for '''Banner''' type sections.
<!--59652 - Ability to add buttons inside portal section (no script)-->

[[File:2021-11-ticket-59652-1.png|thumb|none|800px|A custom button added to a banner portal section]]

====Enhancement for Presenting Consumer Creation Buttons on Records====
Added the ability to determine when and where to present a consumer creation button on a record. This can be accomplished using the new variable syntax <code>@ssGet(CCBUTTON,Apply)@</code> (where "Apply" is the button caption) with a '''Display – Text and Variables''' custom field as well as the new custom field called '''Special – Consumer Creation Button Container''', where you can specify the desired display condition.
<!--111440 - Consumer Creation Buttons - Feature Enhancement-->

====Added Filter Options for Level 1/2 Association List Views for Faster Load Times====
Added the ability to filter and only show the Level 1/2s from that Organization/User profile based on a selectable association in order to reduce record load time. You can configure this setting by going to the desired '''UTA Configuration Settings''' > '''Level 1/2''' tabs > Scroll down to the List View Settings and toggle on '''Enable List View on Account/Contact Profile''' to see new dropdown labelled '''Filter List View by''' where you can select a filter.
<!--126462 - Payment View from Activities Menu Load Time-->

==Beta Previews==
====(Beta) Updated Question Set Builder with Randomized Question Order and Answer Scoring====
Added the ability to randomize the display of question subsets using the '''Special - Question Set''' custom field on a Level 2. To enable the randomization feature, navigate to '''UTA Configuration Settings''' > '''Level 2''' tab > Edit the desired '''Special - Question Set''' custom field and toggle on '''Randomize'''.

Two new attributes have also been added to the custom field for scoring user answers:''' Correct Answer '''and '''Score'''. To get and store final test scores, create a custom field of the type '''Text Box - Number''' and enter the following formula under '''UTA Configuration Settings''' > '''Level 2''' > '''Formula: '''<code>@level2.mycustomfield@="@evaluate_score()@";</code>

<u>'''Note:'''</u> Only new Level 2 records will be affected.
<!--121853 - Randomization of test questions-->
<!--130455 - Question Set Scoring-->

==Notes for Admins==
====Updates to Workflows====
Updated the default '''Connect To''' option when creating a new connector in a workflow. You will now see the default option has been changed to '''Complete''' instead of '''Start''' for new workflow connectors. In general, it is more likely that you would want to connect to '''Complete''' than to '''Start''' and this change will also reduce the risk of accidentally configuring infinite loops. Added the UTA name before the status name option under the '''Termination Trigger''' field when the '''Workflow Type''' is set to '''Tracking Activities'''.
<!--125555 - Workflow connectors default Connect To Complete-->
<!--126079 - Workflow statuses in the 'Termination Trigger' should include the UTA name-->

====Added Indexing Option for List Views Using Quick Load Setting====
Added a new option to enable indexing for list views utilizing the '''Enable Quick Load''' setting. The '''Enable Quick Load''' setting is intended for list views with a large set of results. This setting returns an unsorted number of records without a total record count in order to improve the list view load time. If indexing is enabled, searches will also be faster since it will search the index instead of real-time data. To configure, edit any existing list view, scroll down to the Feature Options section under the '''Properties''' tab and toggle on '''Enable Quick Load'''. You will then see an additional toggle labelled '''Enable Indexing'''.

<u>'''Note:'''</u> If list views with these settings are selected in portals, you will be restricted to using a single search criterion.
<!--128415 - List view fast searching performance improvements-->

====Added Total Send Limit on Emails====
Added a send limit on workflow generated emails and emails created in batch (Example: group emails, email broadcasts, etc) if an SMTP relay is not in use. If more than 25,000 total emails are successfully sent within 24 hours, additional emails will remain in the queue until the total number of sent emails within the past 24 hours drops below 25,000 emails.

<u>'''Note:'''</u> Emails related to account registration will be unaffected.
<!--114639 - Need to rate limit and quota limit sending of emails-->

====Added Hourly API Call Limit====
Added an API call limit per past hour. API calls in excess of 1000 per instance within the past hour will receive an error and will be blocked from using the API until the total API call count in the last hour drops below the limit. This limit can be changed on the root instance of a dedicated environment.
<!--125991 - Throttle API calls-->

====Updates to GuideStar Search API====
GuideStar is deprecating their older API. If you have an existing integration for GuideStar search, be sure to enter your updated API keys under '''Menu Icon''' > '''Global Settings''' > '''Integrations''' tab > '''GuideStar Search'''.
<!--121944 - Guidestar Candid API integration update-->

==Service Packs==
===February 17th 2022 (202202.02)===
* Fixed an issue with the '''Report Builder Criteria''' where functions such as IN () or NOT IN () wouldn't be accepted if there was a space character before the opening parenthesis. Both variations of the syntax will now be accepted.

<!-- 134907 - BUG: Report Criteria function syntax issue -->
===February 11th 2022 (202202.01)===
* Fixed an issue where records were staying locked even though the user was no longer editing the record.

<!-- 132761 - Record Lock issue -->
* Updated the '''History''' tab on Workflow record pages to display historical items more than 2 years old in a new tab called '''Archive'''.

* Fixed an encoding issue for M4A audio files that was preventing playback.

<!-- 132816 - Audio File Playback Issue -->
====Other Changes====
<!-- 132962 - Workflow History incomplete -->
* Updated the '''Text Box - Multiple Line''' custom field to only convert line break characters into HTML break tags in form fields to preserve line breaks in scenarios such as when variables are processed in a Word Merge.

<!-- 133059 - Field Type: Text Box - Multiple Line -->
* Updated report query API calls to display a maximum of 10,000 records per call.

<!-- 132607 - API 10,000 Record Limit Question -->
* Updated the behavior of new consumer record creation to redirect the user back to the parent record when creating a publication from a consumer UTA.

<!-- 132966 - After creation of new consumer, screen is not redirect back to the consumerL1. -->
* Updated security matrixes to prompt users when a change is made. The reason for the change must be entered before the update will take effect. By default, an email will also be sent to all '''System Administrators''' notifying them of the change. You can adjust who receives the notification email by going to '''Global Settings''' > '''Security''' > '''Security Matrix Updates - Users to Notify'''.

<!-- 129533 - Additional Audit on Security Matrix -->
* Updated fields using '''Custom Lookup Options''' so that the selected result can be returned during a list view search query.

<!-- 133093 - Searching Fields that use Custom lookup Options -->
* Updated list view record visibility conditions for users who are added to a UTA record role with a '''Deny''' permission applied. These users will no longer be able to see the record in their list views.
<!-- 133253 - Users added in a UTA role that has deny access permissions are still able to see the record in the list view -->

===January 25th 2022 (202111.07)===
====Other Changes====
* Made minor additions related to future enhancements.

===January 24th 2022 (202111.06)===
====Other Changes====
* Made minor additions related to future enhancements.

===December 13th 2021 (202111.05)===
* Fixed an issue where the predefined options in a dropdown field that enabled dynamic content were being limited.

<!--133264 - Drowdown fields not showing pre defined options anymore -->
* Fixed an issue where certain fields on GuideStar Charity Check Field were not populating due to a recent change in the GuideStar API data structure.

<!--133014 - Nov. Software Upgrade Glitch: Charity Check Field No Longer Displays on Screen-->
* Fixed an issue with the '''Question Set Builder''' field where the mandatory validation message was preventing uploads to a multiple file upload field.

<!--For 133206 - Uploads issues via Special - Question Set Builder -->
===December 9th 2021 (202111.04)===
* Fixed an issue where options from the '''Lookup - Autocomplete Options''' custom field did not have a hard limit on how many were displayed when dynamic content was enabled. The query will now only display the first set of options based on the user’s personal setting for '''Auto Complete Number of Records Displayed'''.

<!--132911 - Unable to create a SAR (Service Activity Record)-->
* Fixed an issue with the display of status history and the stamped IDs in workflows and transactions. When an '''Update Standard Field''' workflow is triggered, the old status and ID will be displayed instead of “No Status” and a zero ID.

<!--132307 - Merck Status history showing a zero id-->
====Other Changes====
* Updated the behaviour of how changes are applied to fields using '''Dynamic Field Visibility Control'''. When an option is changed in a branch, it will copy its sub-branches to a new branch and delete the old branch to ensure consistency and prevent potential problems when relocating parent fields/options.
<!--132047 - Dynamic Field Visibility Control error-->

* Updated the length limit of the number of statuses allowed on termination triggers.

<!--133021 - Unable to Update/Save Workflow Termination Triggers if More than 42-->
===November 26th 2021 (202111.03)===
* Fixed an issue with the contact lookup on the '''Authenticated Member Configurations''' page which was displaying a blank modal.

<!-- 132825 - Authenticated Member Config Contact lookup page is blank -->
* Fixed issue where the variables provided as parameters for a report property syntax containing special characters that were sanitized with our XSS output filter which caused the reports to not return any results

<!-- 132825 - Authenticated Member Config Contact lookup page is blank -->
* Fixed an issue where a blank screen was displayed when opening an application from the organization or user profile due to an error if the content being passed within the sscalculation syntax is empty

<!-- 132844 - Cannot open applications from the Organization/User profiles -->

===November 25th 2021 (202111.02)===
* Fixed an issue in the list view of the '''UTA Consumer/Provider''' tab within a record where users who gained access to a Provider/Consumer tab on a record could see all records linked through the Provider/Consumer association. Visibility of these records will now adhere to the '''Provider/Consumer UTA Security Matrix'''.

<!--132274 - Provider/Consumer list views are not restricting results based on security matrix-->
====Other Changes====
* Updated the '''Special - Advanced Data Table''' to enable mapping and added support for the <code>.displayvalue</code> variable syntax in order to return the display value of a table cell from the mapped records.
<!-- 130874 - Advanced Data table cell display name-->
* Added an option clause to the list syntax to preserve line breaks if needed. For example, to preserve the line breaks on a list of Level 2 UTA Providers, type: <code>[#(?(object =utaproviderL2;preservelinebreak=1)$123456$#]</code> , where 123456 is the Custom Field ID. Without this clause, line breaks will be converted to HTML break tags.

<!-- 132124 - HTML tags showing in Word Merge-->

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