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Adobe Sign

205 bytes added, 15:49, 6 January 2022
Signee Email Subject and Body and Other details
<nowiki><!--SignatureLocale fr_FR--></nowiki>
<nowiki><!--SignatureExpiryDays 7--></nowiki>
<nowiki><!--SignatureFlow P--></nowiki>
The Signature tabs are SignatureExpiryDays tag represents the number of days that remain before the document expires on AdobeSign. If not configured, SmartSimple will expire it after 30 days. The SignatureFlow tag is used in conjunction [[List Syntax]] for contacts and with the <!--Signature--> tag appropriate for signature tags to define the signing order. There are 2 tags used depending on the order:
* Parallel: <nowiki><!--SignatureFlow P--> </nowiki>
* Sequencial: <nowiki><!--SignatureFlow S--></nowiki>
==HTML Examples==

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