||Select one or more fields to be used by the duplicate check. Typically, '''Email''' is used for users and '''Name''' is used for organizations. If you choose to check on more than one field the operation used is '''AND'''. For example: if you chose email and first name, it will only flag users that have the same email and first name. Support for '''OR''' is planned for the November 2020 upgrade.
||Form Submission Behavior(User Signup)
||This setting is only found on the User Signup page. Typically, you will choose '''Only create new users'''. The three available settings are:
* '''Create new or update matching user''' - is not recommended as it allow the direct update of users when existing duplicate matches are found, or create new users when no match is found.
||Select the user signup page(s) you want to attach to the Organization signup page. The User signup page, will show up inside the organization signup page in its own section that appears under the organization details section.
||Form Submission Behavior(Organization Signup)
||Only available on the organization signup page. Typically, only '''Create new organization, block submission if matching organization found''' is recommended. The options are:
* '''Create new organization, update if matching organization found''' - This setting is not recommended. Allows the direct update of organizations when existing duplicate matches are found, or create new organization when no match is found.