=Configuration - Essentials=
==Creating a signup page==
===The Associated Organization===
: ''Main Articles: [[User Role]] & [[Client Categories]]''
Once you have an organization set up that you will associate with a signup page, next you will need to set up '''Roles''' (for users) and '''Categories''' (for organizations).
'''[[User Role|Roles]]''' are a way of grouping like users together. We use roles to control what the user can see and do in the system. When you create a user via a signup page, you need to give them one or more roles. Typically, you would give a user a role like "applicantApplicant" or "reviewerReviewer".
Before you create your signup page, make sure you have created the roles you intend to give to the new users.
You can setup user roles by going to '''Menu''' icon > '''Global Settings''' > '''Users''' tab > '''Roles''' and click the '''New''' button.
: ''Main Article: [[Status]]''
Lastly, you may want to set up a [[Status|status]] for users and organizations. Statuses are like a place in time. For example, you might use a “Newly Registered” status for new registrants, and later once they have been vetted, you might switch them to an “Active” Status and later when you no longer engage with the user you might move them to an “Inactive” status.
Before you create your signup, pages create desired statuses.
[[File:Signup-org-multi-user.png|thumb|none|800px|A signup page that creates a single organization and multiple users at the same time. In this example the Lead Applicant is set to a minimum of 1 so they are required. The co-applicant is set to a minimum of 0 and maximum of 3 so none or up to 3 co-applicants can register at the same time.]]
If you chose '''Multiple Users''' for the '''User Signup''' setting, you will be able to create an organization with more than one user signup as well as more than one set of users.
In this scenario you will see a setting called '''Multiple User Signup'''.
==How to delete/purge your information==
When users sign up to gain access to your system, they provide you with personal identifiable information (PII). We suggest you should provide users with information of who they should contact in regards to purging or deleting any personal information held within your system.
===General Settings===
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The following settings are available on the templates tab.
The templates tab only appears if you have selected “Custom” for “Page Layout”. This setting allows you to modify the HTML of the signup page and is generally not recommended. If you choose to customize the HTML of your signup page you won’t get the latest and greatest templates and you may be required to update your HTML if changes to templates or functionality occur in an upgrade.
===Signup Page Template===
Click the Sample Template link to add the html of the signup page into the input and then modify as desired.
===Confirmation Page Template===
Only available on user signup pages. Click the Sample Template link to add the html of the signup page into the input and then modify as desired.
==Classic Options==