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1,822 bytes added, 19:07, 14 July 2021
no edit summary
Added ability to easily import large data sets for use as options within a select-type custom field. This can be used to provide large selection sets for your users, such as item inventory codes, code dictionaries, or geographic lookups. You can also easily setup dynamic sub-filtering conditions across multiple fields. For example, you could set up parent and child fields for selecting the country, university, faculty, and courses where the available options for each subsequent field is dependent upon the value of a previous field. This new functionality is advantageous since you don't need any of the data to exist as records in your system (as with the current '''Enable Dynamic Content''' option within a custom field) and it will be easier to update the options by importing them rather than editing large amounts of text in the custom field '''Edit''' screen. To import a dataset, go to '''Global Settings''' > '''Custom Lookup Options'''. To configure, go to any custom field of the type '''Select One – Dropdown''', '''Select One - Radio button''', or '''Lookup - Autocomplete Options''' and toggle on '''Enable Dynamic Content'''. This should reveal a secondary toggle called '''Use Custom Lookup Options'''.
<!--124709 - Custom Lookup Options as Dynamic Content option-->
===Minor Updates===
====Added Option to Hold Workflow Emails====
Added '''Company Association''' task type on user workflows as well as the '''People Association''' task type on company workflows to make it easier to add, update and remove associations. For example, you could use these new workflow options to synchronize organization associations based on an external source.
<!--121539 - People and Company Association tasks for Company & User Workflows-->
==Service Packs==
===July 16th 2021 (202104.01)===
* Fixed an issue where Level 1 custom fields were being moved to the Level 2 custom fields when Global Administrators used the pagination to edit fields of a different entity and/or item ID.
<!--127235 - Level 1 fields for specific application types showing up in Level 2 notification letters in Corefieldset-->
* Fixed issue with calendar permissions where the only users with "Read" and "Write" permissions were able to view the calendar. Users with just "Read" permissions should now be able to view the calendar.
127228 - Calendars Not Displaying
<!--127228 - Calendars Not Displaying-->
* Fixed issue with the type filter setting and button visibility for the linked record list where users without permission to create Level 3s were seeing the button to create Level 3s on a linked record list.
<!--126892 - L3 Type 'Restrict Creation To' roles being ignored on Linked Record List-->
* Added option to enable quicker initial list view load time by displaying an unsorted number of records without a total record count. To configure, navigate to list view settings and toggle on "Enable Quick Load" under "Feature Options".
<!--127060 - Page Load Speed Issue - Charity Search List View Portal With Proximity Search-->
* Updated visibility of the "Edit Roles and Access" menu item. Previously this item was only visible to users who had the view permission on the user profile, internal users, local administrators, global administrators, or users who had role permissions to activation access on the user profile. Now, the visibility for “Edit Roles and Access” has been expanded to also include users who are looking at the profile of another user with lower privileges than them.
<!--127388 - User Profile Permissions Issue-->

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