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146 bytes added, 20:15, 21 June 2021
Minor Updates
===Minor Updates===
====Added Role Sharing Permissions for SmartCards====
Added the ability to control which user roles have permission to share SmartCards by roles and added the ability to specify which roles you can share with. The new settings are located under '''Menu Icon ''' > '''System ''' tab > '''SmartCard ''' > '''Sharing Permission ''' tab.
<!--116022 - Recommended Enhancement for SmartCards-->
====Added Additional Fields to Third-Party IRS and CRA Verifciation====
Added additional fields for IRS third party verification mapping. New fields include: "'''Tax Period"''', "'''Revenue Amount (Form 990)"''', "'''Asset Amount" ''' and "'''Income Amount"'''. You can see the new field mapping options by going to '''Menu Icon ''' > '''Global Settings ''' > '''Transactions ''' > '''Types ''' > Edit a Type set to “Company” with “Use third party verification service” toggled on > '''Third Party Verification Mapping'''.
<!--122856 - Third party verification settings for IRS and CRA-->
====Improved Searchability of System Emails List View====
To make it easier to find workflow emails in the “System Emails” List '''System Emails''' list view, additional information was added to the "'''Name" ''' column. You can now search workflow emails on '''Task ID''', '''Workflow ID''', '''Task Number''', and '''Task Description'''. Go to '''Menu Icon ''' > '''Global Settings ''' > '''Communications ''' tab > '''System Emails'''.
<!--115635 - Email template overview modification-->
====Updated Advanced Search with a New Multiple Search Option in a Single Condition====
Added new functionality to the Advanced Search in list views where you can search for multiple exact value matches in a single condition. For example, you could search for multiple contacts by email address. To do that, go to '''Menu Icon ''' > '''People ''' > '''Advanced Search ''' > Select “Email” '''Email''' for the standard field > Select the “Multiple” '''Multiple''' option and enter email addresses delimited by a semi colon ( ; ). '''Note: ''' it is an OR search between values and the values must be an exact match. This functionality is available for fields like “Application Name” '''Application Name''' but not available for fields with pre-defined options like a select one or date fields.
<!--120758 - Enhancement, Multiple entries in Advanced Search for Contacts-->

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