

2,151 bytes removed, 18:14, 21 June 2021
Notes for Admins
Added additional parameters to the SmartConnect API to allow for pagination of record sets. For List action API calls, new parameters recordcount, recordstart, and recordend will now be returned to you. New parameters recordsperpage, recordstart, and pageofrecord will be available for you to pass to the calls to page through the result set. You may pass just the recordstart to indicate which record to start from, for example, given a recordsperpage 100, you could pass recordstart 1, 101, and 201 in order to obtain records 1-100, 101-200, 201-300 respectively. Another example, given a recordsperpage 100, you could pass recordstart 1, 1, and 1, in combination with pageofrecord 1, 2, and 3 in order to obtain the same record sets 1-100, 101-200, 201-300 respectively.
<!--120958 - Enhance SmartConnect API to allow pagination of records-->
====Added New Criteria Operators to SmartConnect API for Searching of Empty or Non-empty Values====
Added additional operator available to the SmartConnect API for use within criteria to search for records where a field is empty or not. You may now include an operator of isempty, with a corresponding value of either true or false, within a criteria in order to search for records based on either empty or non-empty value.
<!--117307 - SmartConnect API - add a new criteria to search for field that is blank or NULL-->
====Added New Attributes to SmartConnect API to Describe Sub-type of Custom Field Metadata====
Added additional attribute fieldsubtypeid to the SmartConnect API function for Get Meta. This will allow you to retrieve the subcategory of a custom field. Where you were able to previously retrieve the field type, e.g. Text Box - Single Line, you can now retrieve the subcategory, e.g. Text Box - Date, or Text Box - Number for more granularity. You will be able to retrieve both the type name as well as internal type ID assigned to these types and subtypes.
<!--110981 - Enhance API 'Get Meta' function to more precisely indicate type-->
====Updated Default Settings for New Instances====
Updated the default settings for any newly created instance to enforce stronger and recommended settings. Some of these default settings involve security settings, such as deprecation of plain text passwords in email reset template, and enforcement of SmartCheck server-side validation, Organization and User Security matrix, CAPTCHA validation, and cookie usage acceptance message. Some of these default settings involve interface settings, such as disabling of Classic-type interface options, enabling of compact header, and title bar navigation pane. Some of these default settings involve enforcement of configuration standards such as restriction of special characters and spaces in field names, and deprecated support for some variable syntax including reportproperty variable syntax in custom field options, as well as list variable syntax within group functions in template formulas.
<!--54549 - default settings for new instance-->
==Service Packs==