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Updating Funding Data in ORCID

24 bytes removed, 17:34, 1 April 2021
Use cases
* Once logged into the system, users sign into their ORCID accounts using their registered email address and password or they can create a new account and then authorize your system to obtain their ORCID iD. Storing authenticated ORCID iDs in your system ensures you get the correct ORCID iD for the user and that the information on that record reflects their research activities.
* Once the user has granted permission, information that the user has set as visible to trusted parties in addition to the information set as visible to everyone is imported to their profile. The display of the ORCID records on the user’s profile is permissioned by role to allow staff or reviewers an overview of the user’s research activities.
* The user’s process is streamlined by retrieving data from their ORCID records on their profile to populate application or progress report forms. In SmartSimple Platform3, data from ORCID is stored in JSON format to allow specific formatting and allow your team to use the data in different ways within the system.
* By enabling the functionality for staff to add and update data in ORCID funding records, it can help make life easier for your users by connecting validated information to their ORCID records. Since this action is triggered by a workflow, it can be configured for specific roles to trigger at a particular status. Mapping of the data fields sent to ORCID is determined by your system administrator.
* The display of the user’s ORCID data on their profile is complementary to any configuration capturing researcher profile data and outputs currently configured in your system. In SmartSimple Platform3, the data from ORCID is stored in JSON format to allow your system administrator to create specific views of information from different sources for your team or processes specific to your organization.
==Configuration – Essentials==

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