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185 bytes added, 19:40, 25 February 2021
Enhanced Settings Screens for User Menu Permissions
Enhanced and consolidated the settings screens for configuration of permissions to menus and features. The configuration of access to menus and features can be a little daunting and confusing with settings pages split across multiple areas. We're addressing this by first migrating the settings for menus and features that were previously found under Roles and Security -> User Roles -> Menu, and consolidating them into the Roles and Security -> System Feature Permissions screen. Secondly, while the default behaviour lists each setting and all the user roles that you have configured for each, we'll be introducing a new role-based entry mode. This role-based entry mode will instead allow you to specify all the feature permissions that you'd like to set per role much more easily in one shot.
<!--113278 - user role menu page move settings and remove page-->
[[File:2021-03-ticket-113278-1.png|thumb|none|800px|Menu Permissions can now be found under System Feature Permissions, and can be viewed in feature-based or role-based entry modes.]]
====Extended Group Email Functionality for Associated Companies of UTA Records====
Smartstaff, administrator

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