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Signup Page

14 bytes added, 14:42, 8 September 2020
Creating a routing page
[[File:Singup-routing.png|thumb|none|800px|The routing page takes users to the signup page that is right for them.]]
If you paste the '''Page URL''' of your signup page into a routing page, make sure you use the relative path example: '''/s_csignup.jsp?token=XVtQHUUGYVpQRhRRXxNRS1BWZEl2HnFsFA%3D%3D&ptoken=XVtQC1oGYVpQRhRRXxNRS1BWZEl2HnFsFQ%3D%3D'''.  Relative paths will resolve correctly and work on production as well as development/and backupsystems.
Also make sure you include the desired language ID example '''&tid=14''' will display the Spanish translations.
Smartstaff, administrator

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