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Signup Page

357 bytes added, 20:52, 4 September 2020
Using external verification services in your signup page
You can create a signup page that will confirm an organization’s charity status by selecting an organization based on a 3rd party database prior to registering that organization in your system.
The information from the selected database such as Name, EIN number, Zip/Postal Code City and State is used to populate the organization signup page fields.
If the desired organization cannot be found in the 3rd party database (example it was added after the most recent update), you can provide a link to another signup page where that organization could still register.
[[File:Signup-irs-2.png|thumb|none|800px|Step two user selects their organization from the list and the information is automatically populated into the registration form.]]
The following services are availbleavailable
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===How to setup a signup page that uses the a verification service===
Generally you setup each verification service in a similar way. Below we show is how you how to setup a signup page using the IRS verification optionvia Charity Navigator. Before you begin you need to setup a custom field to hold the '''Employer Identification Number''' (EIN) value. The EIN is a Federal Tax Identification Number, it is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the '''Internal Revenue Service''' (IRS) to business entities operating in the United States for the purposes of identification. This is typically created as a text box type text single line custom field on organizations the organization and then you will want to permission the field based on which types of organizations in your system will have this number.
# if you do not already have a custom field to hold the EIN number create a '''Text Box - Text Single Line''' custom field on the organization and permission it to the types of organizations who would have this number in your system.
# Setup a user signup page as per above
# Setup an organization signup page the same way as above.
# On the organization signup page select the desired user signup page as per above.
# Add the EIN custom field to the '''Selected Fields''' area using drag and drop. You need to create this custom field in order to use the IRS verification feature (see above).
# For '''External Verification Service''' choose '''IRS'''.
Smartstaff, administrator

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