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Signup Page

1,340 bytes added, 19:05, 1 September 2020
The Associated Organization
===The Associated Organization===
Before you create a signup page, you will need to decide where the users and organizations you are creating will reside in your organization hierarchy. In other words, when you create a new user or organization via a signup page, where will they be created in your system? Typically, you would create an organization in the external organization hierarchy and call it something like Web Registrants. Later you would associate that organization with your signup page. Then all new users and organizations created by this specific signup page will be created under that organization.
You can setup an organization by going to '''Menu''' icon > '''Organization Hierarchy''' > click on the second tab which is the external hierarchy, and click the '''New''' button to create a new organization in the external organization hierarchy.
===Roles and Categories===
Once you have an organization setup that you will associate with a signup page, next you will need to setup '''Roles''' (for users) and '''Categories''' (for organizations).
Roles are a way of grouping like users together. We use roles to control what the user can see and do in the system. When you create a user via a signup page, you need to give them one or more roles. Typically, you would give a user a role like "applicant" or a "reviewer".
Before you create your signup page, make sure you have created the roles you intend to give to the new users.
You can setup user roles by going to '''Menu''' icon > '''Global Settings''' > '''Users''' tab > '''Roles''' and click the '''New''' button.
Categories are a way of grouping like organizations together and are also used to control what can be seen and done. When you create an organization via a signup page, you need to give them one or more categories. Typically, you would give an organization the category of "Grant Seeking Organization" or "External Reviewers".
Before you create your signup page, make sure you have created the desired categories for your organization.
You can setup organization categories by going to '''Menu''' icon > '''Global Settings''' > '''Organization''' tab > '''Categories''' and click the '''New''' button.
==Creating a user signup page==
Smartstaff, administrator

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