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Login Page

148 bytes added, 16:12, 27 August 2020
Popup Blocker Check
==Popup Blocker Check==
The login page can be configured to check whether users have a pop-up blocker enabledif you are using a custom page template. If the user does have a popup blocker enabled they will receive a warning with a suggestion that they disable their pop-up blocker. 
Typically we leave this check disabled and do not warn users that they are using a pop up blocker.
If you choose you can enable this check and warning message by doing the following.
# Go to menu '''Menu''' icon > '''Global Settings''' > '''Branding''' tab > '''Login Pages''' link > edit the desired login page.# Make sure '''Page Layout''' is set to '''Custom'''.
# Go to the '''Template''' tab.
# Inside the '''Login Page Template''' text area search for '''disabled="disabled"'''(If you don't see it add the sample template).
# Remove the '''disabled="disabled"''' text.
# Press '''Save'''.
Smartstaff, administrator

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