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Login Page

188 bytes added, 14:42, 27 August 2020
Multiple/Switching Languages
Administrators need to create a separate login page for each language you want to support. You choose the desired language for a login page when you create a new login page.
If you have more than one language login page, the user will see a drop down in the top right of the screen(As long as you are using the default layout or standard template). The user can choose their desired language from this drop down. The language the user chooses will follow through after login.
Administrators can choose which language login page is the default via a toggle on the settings page for the desired log in login page. This determines which language login page will be displayed if a user goes to without specifying a language ID.
You can also send your users a direct link to a specific language login page. For example, if I wanted to send users to a configured Spanish language login page I would by adding '''?&lang=14''' to the login page and send that URL. The URL to a user. the URL Spanish login page would look like this:
Smartstaff, administrator

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