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Scheduled Report Export

4 bytes removed, 19:51, 19 February 2020
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''Scheduled Report Export'' is built using SmartSimple's [[Reports|integrated reporting subsystem]]. The settings for ''scheduled report export'' is available on the '''File Export''' tab of the Edit Reports page.
On the '''Edit Report''' page, go to '''Export''' on the left hand side menu, and then to the '''Scheduled Export''' tab.<br />
* '''At''' - specify time for the scheduled export
* '''Starting''' - specify the start date for the scheduled export
* '''Export File Name''' - file name of the file can be specified including stamp date. It is recommended to append a timestamp. To stamp the date, use [YYYY],[YY],[MM],[DD],[HH],[mm]. i.e. MyExportedReport_[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD].
: Note that the file extension should not be included in this section i.e. '''PaymentDetails_[YYYY]-[MM]_[DD] '''  and NOT "PaymentDetails_[YYYY]-[MM]_[DD].csv"  The extension of the file should be specified in the a.) ''Export Format'' dropdown in the [[Exporting_Reports|'''File Export''']] tab  for standard File Export or b.) ''File Extension'' textbox in the [[Custom_Export|'''Custom Export''']] tab for custom export reports.
* '''Export to''' - select where you want to export the file to
:** '''Path''' - sftp folder location where the files will be pushed i.e. /in or /out or /Payments/inbound
'''Trigger Workflow After Export''' - workflow selected will be triggered to all records after export.
:* '''Export File Name''' - file name of the file can be specified including stamp date. It is recommended to append a timestamp. To stamp the date, use [YYYY],[YY],[MM],[DD],[HH],[mm]. i.e. MyExportedReport_[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD].  Note that the file extension should not be included in this section i.e. '''PaymentDetails_[YYYY]-[MM]_[DD] '''  and NOT "PaymentDetails_[YYYY]-[MM]_[DD].csv"  The extension of the file should be specified in the a.) ''Export Format'' dropdown in the [[Exporting_Reports|'''File Export''']] tab  for standard File Export or b.) ''File Extension'' textbox in the [[Custom_Export|'''Custom Export''']] tab for custom export reports
:* '''Last Exported''' - date of the last export .

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