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Scheduled Report Export

21 bytes added, 20:32, 18 February 2020
Configuration - Essentials
''Scheduled Report Export'' is built using SmartSimple's [[Reports|integrated reporting subsystem]]. The settings for ''scheduled report export'' is available on the '''File Export''' tab of the Edit Reports page.
'''Scheduled Export'''On the '''Edit Report''' page, go to to '''Scheduled Export''' tab.<br />To configure a scheduled reporton the left hand side menu, the following settings are found from and then to the '''Scheduled Export''' tab:.<br />
The following settings are found from the <strong>Scheduled Export''' tab:</strong>
* '''Export Type''' - specify the type of export for the scheduled export
: ''Options:''
:* File Export - export file based on settings from [[Exporting_Reports|'''File Export''']] tab
:* Custom Export - export file based on settings from [[Custom_Export|'''Custom Export''']]tab
* '''Frequency''' - How often should the report be exported.
:** '''Password''' - password to allow access to the sftp
:** '''Path''' - sftp folder location where the files will be pushed i.e. /in or /out or /Payments/inbound
:* '''Trigger Workflow After Export''' - workflow selected will be triggered to all records after export.
:* '''Export File Name''' - file name of the file can be specified including stamp date. It is recommended to append a timestamp. To stamp the date, use [YYYY],[YY],[MM],[DD],[HH],[mm]. i.e. MyExportedReport_[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD].  Note that the file extension should not be included in this section i.e. '''PaymentDetails_[YYYY]-[MM]_[DD] '''  and NOT "PaymentDetails_[YYYY]-[MM]_[DD].csv"  The extension of the file should be specified in the a.) ''Export Format'' dropdown in the [[Exporting_Reports|'''File Export''']] tab  for standard File Export or b.) ''File Extension'' textbox in the [[Custom_Export|'''Custom Export''']] tab for custom export reports
:* '''Last Exported''' - date of the last export .

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