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Auto Loader

16 bytes added, 14:58, 17 September 2019
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* ''' Trigger On All Records ''' - check-box that is populated if you wish to have a workflow execute against all records, whether new records or updated records.
====Updating Account Owners====
When you are updating company type information you can automatically associate an account field to a user field in order to establish “account ownership”. This section is only displayed at the bottom of the Autoloader page if you have set the Record Type to Company and Item to company.
''For example, if the imported account file contains an employee ID field, then this can be matched to the user table – providing each user with an employee ID field.''
====Updating Account Parent====
When you are updating company type information you can automatically associate an account field to a parent account field in order to establish “company hierarchy”. This section is only displayed at the bottom of the Autoloader page if you have set the Record Type to Company and Item to company.
Result: The Account records with a Company ID IN (278520,297733,316703) will have their Parent ID changed to 349238.
====Updating Event / Transaction Parent Company====
When you are updating company type information related to an Event or a Transaction you can automatically associate an account field to a transaction or event field in order to establish a parent for the transaction. This includes using Account standard fields.
If no matches exist then you can select the required action using the '''No parent matched action''' drop-down.
====Updating Parent Company====
When you are updating people type information you can automatically associate an account field to a user field in order to attach the user to the correct account. This section is only displayed at the bottom of the Autoloader page if you have set the Type to People.
====Updating Event / Transaction Parent User====
When you are updating user type related to a Transaction information you can automatically associate a user field to a transaction field in order to establish a parent user for the transaction.
If no matches exist then you can select the required action using the '''No parent matched action''' drop-down.
====Branch, Company and Owner Custom Field Matching====
When you are updating UTA information you can automatically associate a standard field on the UTA with user and company fields in order to establish individual or organizational ownership. This section is only displayed at the bottom of the Autoloader page if you have set the Record Type to [[UTA]] and the Level to Level 1.
====Updating Tracking Parent====
When you are updating UTA Level 2 or 3 information you can automatically associate a field on the level 2 with a field on the level 1, or associate a field on the level 3 with a field on the level 1, in order to establish a relationship between the entities.
====Parent record match field ids====
This section allows for manipulation of the data prior to the Autoloader actually loading the data onto the system.

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