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Auto Loader

776 bytes removed, 14:31, 17 September 2019
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'''IMPORTANT''' Because any file uploaded to a SmartFolder that is attached to an autoloader will be processed it is extremely important that the SmartFolder is permissioned and labelled appropriately.
* SmartFolders for autoloaders should be permissioned such that only contacts that need to be able to upload files for autoloading are permitted to do so.
* It is '''best practice''' to put all Autoloader enabled SmartFolders into a parent folder named '''Autoloader''' (with role-restricted access) to help ensure no inappropriate files are uploaded to the folder.
* The user uploading the file must have write permissions to the folder where the file is to be stored.
* You '''must''' not use the upload folder for any purpose other than uploading files, as the autoloader will attempt to process any file added to the folder.
==='''GENERAL''' tab===
: [[File:Auto6b.PNG]]
* '''Loader Name''' – set the name for the Autoloader
* '''Folder''' – select the SmartFolder where the file will be located
* '''File Type''' – select the file type of the file for processing
* '''File Encoding''' – select the file encoding of the file for processing
* '''Record Type''' – drop-down list that allows the user to select what object to process
* '''Item'''or '''App Level''' – drop-down list of items from the '''Record Type'''. Caption will appear as Item when Record Type set to Contact or Company. Caption appears as App. Level for UTA specific Record Types.
* '''Activate''' – enables the Autoloader. Until this check box is enabled the Autoloader will not execute.
* '''Connection Type''' – drop-down list that allows the user to select the connection type of the external data source.
* '''Frequency''' – drop-down list that allows the user to select when the Autoloader should be run. Options are '''On File Upload''' or '''Scheduled'''.
* '''Launch Hour''' – only displayed if '''Frequency''' is set to '''Scheduled'''. Sets the time on a daily basis that the autoloader will execute. This should be a comma delimited list of the hour values in 24-hour format.
====Setting the Autoloader Name====
As you can define any number of autoloaders each autoloader process must be uniquely named.
: [[Image:Auto5b.png|thumb|none|400px]]
====Activate Autoloader====
Enable this check box for the Autoloader to execute.
====External Data Source====
Autoloader can be connected an external data source to pull the file and move the file to the SmartFolder.
Select a connection type and complete the ''Schedule'' section below to specify the launch times of the autoloader everyday.
Complete this section to specify when autoloader will ran.
==='''File Layout''' Tab===

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