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Login Page

301 bytes added, 20:03, 12 August 2019
Configuration - Advanced
=Configuration - Advanced=
==ReCAPTCHA Security==
Login pages will automatically enable Google reCAPTCHA functionality in order to ensure security standards. In order to modify or disable this setting, go to '''Global Settings > Security '''and scroll down to the bottom of the page. 
:: [[File:Recaptcha.png|800px|border]]
==Error Message==
In order to display an '''Error Message '''when an incorrect login username or password is provided, simply include the following variable into the Login Screen HTML: '''@errmsg@'''
The fields for invalid logins include '''IP Address, User Name '''(denoted as an email address), and the '''Time '''of the invalid login.
Using the Search fields on the top right, you are also able to apply [[Filters]] by time period ('''Year '''and '''Month''') and/or by username. 
=See Also=
Smartstaff, administrator

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