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Wiki Editing CheatSheet

2,367 bytes added, 13:55, 11 July 2019
This page is intended to assist editors of the SmartSimple Wiki please refer to this page before you make revisions and additions.
'''Follow these practices SmartSimple’s Wiki is a repository of knowledge used to make learning and configuring SmartSimple easy to do. This page will provide guidance for building your anyone who is contributing to the wiki. By establishing standards to follow that will improve the user experience of this Wiki page:'''.
* [http==Wiki article structure== All wiki articles need to follow this format:// Make it brief.]* In ===Overview=== Answer the overview of each article answer these 3 following questions  # What is itthis article about? Example: The Login page allows a user to gain access to your SmartSimple System. The user will authenticate on this page, typically by entering a username and password.# Why is it this important? Example: The login page is used to: Authenticate the user, Switch languages, Direct people to a signup page, Ask the user to accept the use of cookies, enforce agreement of your systems privacy and security policies, and Reset your password.# What will I the reader learn from this article? Example: This article will show you how to setup and modify login pages within your system. # Is there anything odd or important that should be noted? Example: Note: You will need global administrator access to setup or edit login pages. You will also need to create a separate login page for each language you want to support. ===Configuration – Essentials===Break out all the tasks the majority of users will do and explain how to do them in the minimal steps possible. Use a numbered list for the tasks and keep them below 15 steps. If it is more than 15 steps to do something break the task into multiple headers. ===Configuration - Advanced===Break out all other tasks not listed in the essentials section. This section is meant for task that are particularly difficult, not commonly used or tricky/cumbersome. ===Settings Explained===List all the settings used by this page/feature, what the setting does and if not self evident why you would use it. This should be presented in a table format. Example: Setting: Is Default Login Page, Description: By default, when a user goes to your system's URL, example they will be directed to the English US language login page. If you want users to go to a different language login page by default, toggle this setting on for the login page with your desired language. Note: only one login page can be set as the default. ===See Also===This section is optional. If there are other related articles you think a user should be made aware or that you have mentioned in this article?you may wish to add links to these articles in here. Be mindful that any static links you add here will need to be maintained. If a page name changes someone will need to go back and fix every link added to every page in a See Also. ===Category===Make sure every article has a category that way by default it is easy to find all related pages so we should not need to heavily rely on the “See Also” sections as categories list all related articles and the links are dynamic so there is no maintenance liability and they are accessible from every related page.  Other considerations
* Add [[Wiki_Editing_CheatSheet#Hyperlinks|hyperlinks]] to other pages where SmartSimple's terminology is used.
* Add an [[Wiki_Editing_CheatSheet#Image_Files|image]] of the subject(s) of the article.
* Add a "[[Arcadia_-_Level_1_Summary_(matrix)_Settings#See_Also|See Also]]" section with related articles that may or may not have been mentioned in the text.
* Put your page under one or more [[Wiki_Editing_CheatSheet#Categories|Categories]].
* Use US English for spelling.
* Use Microsoft conventions for writing instructions (When you refer to a button, check box, or other option, use bold formatting for the name) [[]]
Note more help about the mediawiki can be found []
==Text Formatting==
Smartstaff, administrator

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