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Global User Administrator

14 bytes added, 18:54, 3 July 2019
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The {{GUA}}, also known as the '''System Administrator, '''is a [[User]] who controls the entire [[Organisation Hierarchy|organisation hierarchy]] within the copy of [[SmartSimple]] and is able to perform the following functions: 
* Create [[Role|roles]] and collaborative [[Workflow|workflows]].
* As a security feature, whenever a new '''{{GUA}}''' is created, all other {{GUA}}s within that copy of [[SmartSimple]] will receive an e-mail notification of the new administrator.
* If your user type is Global User Administrator you will see all items on menu icon ('Display Menu Icon' option in role configuration). All selected/deselected items in 'Menu Items' will be ignored as you are Global User Administrator and you will see all items on the left-hand panel.
:: [[File:GUA enable security.png|900px|border]]
==See Also==

Navigation menu