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11,101 bytes added, 19:25, 30 August 2022
Conditional Versioning
{{Banner-UnderConstruction}}==Overview=='''Versioning '''(also referred to as '''SmartVersioning''') is a [[SmartSimple]] function that allows you to make concurrent versions of applications and forms while using a common set of underlying [[Custom Fields – General Information|fields]]. 
Without needing to change the content of previous versions or requiring a test-to-production environment, Versioning means you have the ability to store multiple versions of the same list of fields in a single location. You can test and use a new version prior to it going live. 
==<br />Overview==Versioning works by starting with a core field-set that contains all fields from all applications, then allows you to choose which fields you want for any new version you're creating. You can add as many fields as you wish for your master '''baseline 'Versioning ''copy. When you'(also referred re ready to as create a new version of an application or form, Versioning takes a '''SmartVersioningsnapshot ''') of your core field-set - that is , a [[SmartSimple]] function that allows you to make concurrent versions copy of applications all the custom fields and forms while using a common set their respective settings. This is the '''baseline '''that will be used as the starting point of underlying [[Custom Fields – General Information|fields]]your new version. 
'''<u>Benefits of Versioning</u>''':
<pre> You must be a user with SysAdmin privileges to configure the Versioning setting in your system. </pre>
==Configuration - Essentials=====How Versioning Works===
'''Versioning '''works by first capturing all of the underlying fields that make up an application or form - this total set of fields is the '''"baseline." '''The baseline set of fields contains all of the fields in all application and form versions. The first step in using '''Versioning '''is to create a new "version" - this process includes giving that version a '''Name, Description, '''selecting the '''Application Name '''and '''Entity '''that contains the field-set, and taking a '''Snapshot '''of the field-set which creates the '''baseline. '''
Follow the steps below to create the baseline. 
===Create a New Version===
1. Click on the 9-square menu icon on the top right of your page.
:: {{Icon-Menu}} 
2. Under the heading '''Configuration, '''select '''Global Settings.'''
3. Under the heading '''System Configuration, '''click the hyperlink '''SmartVersioning.'''
:: [[File:Smartversioning.png|800px|border]]
Any existing versions that have already been created in your system may be listed here. If you want to edit these, simply click the '''pencil icon '''to the left of each version name.
4. To create a new version, click the '''+ icon '''on the top left. 
||'''Version ID'''
||This number will be automatically generated by the systemautopopulated.
||Give Provide an appropriate Name for your new version an appropriate name.
||Provide a narrative description of your new version with an appropriate description.
||Set If applicable, insert in any conditions based on for the new version. See [[SSLogicVersioning#Conditional Versioning]] if applicablefor more information.
* You must fill out at least the '''Name '''and '''Description '''fields to save a new version* '''Tip: '''Naming versions with clear and appropriate titles and /descriptions will be of great assistance - . For example, clearly name the baseline the '''baseline '''version so that it is differentiated from the any future versionversions (i.e. For example, '''Baseline General Application'''). It may also be useful to name follow a standard naming convention, such as naming the application and form versions based on their period name, as well (ex: '''2016 Q1 General Application''')so that you know when the versions existed. * '''Tip: '''Period-based dates such as '''Up to 2020 Budget Manager '''are particularly useful for future-facing Versioning; label the Version so that you know you will not make it active until the time has come.  6. When you are done inputting information into the fields, click the '''Save '''button.  ===Create a Baseline===Once you have created and '''Saved '''a new version, the page will reload to display the date and time stamp of the creation/modification, the name of the creator/modifier, and the '''Version Objects '''section. Through the '''Version Objects '''section, we will take the snapshot that comprises the baseline field-set for this version.
6:: [[File:New forms for smartversioning. When done, click png|800px|border]]1. Click into the '''Save Select Application '''buttonfield - a drop-down list of available {{UTA}}s within the system will appear. 
===Take a Snapshot/Create a baseline===:: [[File:Smartversion select apps.png|250px|border]]Once you've created a new Version, the '''Version Objects''' section is displayed. This section allows Pick which application for which you would like to select the '''Application Name''' and '''Entity''' and take save a Snapshot. The snapshot captures all version of its fields contained in the selected form or application to the newly created version. The baseline is also created by taking a snapshot. 
2. After selecting an application, click into the '''Entity '''field which will open a drop-down list of the associated [[Entity|entities]] with that application. All {{L1}}, {{L2}}, and {{L3}} entities will be available. 
:: [[File:Smartversion select entity.png|130px|border]]
Select the specific entity level of your application to make up the field-set that you wish to capture. 
: 1. Select the '''Application NameNote: '''If no specific level is chosen, the dropdown list will include all application forms within the system.: 2. Select the '''Entity Level''', this dropdown list will allow default to the selection {{L1}} of the Level 1, 2, or 3 to make up the field-set that you wish to captureapplication.:: [[Image:Version_objects_entity.png|500px|link:]]: 3. Click the For example, it will default to '''Budget 'Take Snapshot''if the application in question is the ''.: 4. Click '''Save'''.: 5. After clicking the Save button, the window will capture the created on and modified by details as well as display the Version Objects fields.:: [[Image:New_version_window_after_saveBudget Manager.png|500px|link:]]'' 'Note:''' You may want to capture fields-sets from the Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. In this case you will repeat the steps above and create additional "Version Objects" line to capture any additional objects, activities, or transactions.
3. Once both the '''Application Name '''and '''Entity '''have been chosen, click the button on the right side: '''Take Snapshot. '''
4. A confirmation pop-up message will appear. Click '''Yes.'''
==Finding the Current Version==:: [[File:Smartversion are you sure.png|500px|border]] You have enabled Versioning and created your first snapshot5. By default your Current After you confirm, the '''Version is Objects '''section of the baseline version. You can verify form will reload and display the current version at any time by following and stamp date of the steps below:snapshot. 
: : [[File:Smartversion created.png|800px|border]] The details outlined in red comprise the snapshot that you have taken - all the fields that were included with that application and entity level at the time that the snapshot was taken is what makes up the '''baseline. ''' * '''Note:''' You may want to capture fields-sets from the Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. In this case you will repeat the steps above and create additional '''Version Objects '''lines to capture any additional objects, activities, or transactions. * '''Tip: '''It is useful to repeat the process and capture field-sets from all levels of a {{UTA}}, particularly if they are pulling fields from each other. * '''Note: '''A snapshot does not mean that the version is active; the version will not be activated (that is, in use to the extent that all applications in this version will pertain with the field-set of that version) until you [[Versioning#Activating a New Version|activate the version]] in your system.  ===Finding the Current Version===Having followed the steps from the previous sections, you have just enabled Versioning onto your system and created your first snapshot. By default, your '''Current '''is your '''baseline '''version. You can verify the current version used in your system at any time by following the steps below:  1. Navigate to the desired {{UTA}} whose Version you want to confirm.  '''Note:  '''You can navigate to any UTA by clicking the 9-square menu icon on the top right and clicking on the UTA name under the heading '''Applications.''' 2. Click on the UTA Settings settings icon- the '''gear icon '''- which will allow you to enter into '''Configuration Mode. ''' : 3: [[File:Gear icon. Click on the Level 1 tabpng|200px|border]]: 43. In Scroll down until the subheading '''UTA PropertiesFeatures and Options. ''' section locate the  4. Locate the '''Current VersionVersion ''' field, which will display the current version of that UTA. :: [[ImageFile:Current_versionSmartversion current version.png|link:500px|border]]: 5. The current version is displayed.
'''Note:''' To change the current version, click on the dropdown menu and select the new version you would like to activate, then click the "Activate" button, and finally click the '''Save''' button at the bottom of the window.
===Custom Fields and Versioning===
Once Versioning is enabled against a UTA object, then the list of [[Custom Fields]] related to that object will also indicate an '''Active Version '''on the top right of the page. 
1. After navigating to the desired UTA, click the '''gear icon '''above its name in order to enter '''Configuration Mode.'''
==Custom Fields and Versioning==:: [[File:Gear icon.png|border]] Once Versioning is enabled against a UTA object, then 2. Click into the tab for the list level of Custom Fields will include be an indication of the "Active Version" at the top alongside a Version combo boxobject that you have enabled Versioning for. 
3. Click on the hyperlink labelled '''Custom Fields.''' At the top of the list of custom fields will be the '''Version '''combo box.  The '''Version''' combo box contains the name of the version of the application or form that you are currently editing. It is this field that allows you to switch between the different concurrent versions that are available. Here is where you will switch between the "Baseline" '''baseline '''application version, the current application version, and the new application you are building and testing.
The individual Custom Field Setting page will also include be an indication of the "'''Active Version" at ''' at the top alongside a Version combo box.
There will also be a '''Set''' button to allow users to [[Versioning#Editing_fields_in_VersionsEditing_Fields_in_Versions|edit fields]] in a specific version, and a '''Diff''' button to allow users to [[Versioning#Compare_fields_in_VersionsComparing_Fields_in_Versions|compare fields]] in one Version with another version.
===Deleting fields =Editing Fields in Versions====1. Navigate to the desired UTA.It is very important that you always doubleYou can do so by clicking the 9-square menu icon on the top right of your page ({{Icon-check Menu}}), and selecting the UTA under the version that you are editingheading '''Applications.''' 2. Click on the '''Always be carefulgear icon ''' when deleting fields from the baseline version. Deleting fields from above the baseline UTA name, which will delete those fields from all associated applications and forms. Any new snapshots that are taken afterwards will not include bring you into the deleted fields. Also deleting fields from baseline will remove your ability to reference those fields and their values removing the ability to use the previously stored valuesUTA settings in '''Configuration Mode.'''
Deleting fields from versions that are not :: [[File:Gear icon.png|border]] 3. Click on the baselinedesired tab for {{L1}}, {{L2}}, will only remove those fields from or {{L3}} entity associated with the UTA. The levels go in sequential order - the first tab after the '''General '''tab represents the specific version you are editing Level 1 Entity and not other versionsso on. 
4. Click on the '''Custom Fields '''hyperlink. 
5. From the '''Version '''drop-down option on the top right, select the Version whose fields you want to edit.
===Editing fields in Versions===: 1. Navigate to the desired UTA: 2. Click on the UTA Settings icon[[File: 3Smartversion choose version. Click on the appropriate Level 1, 2, or 3png|400px|border]]: 4. Click on the '''The list of Custom Fields" link: 5. From displayed will differ depending on what has been saved as the '''Version''' dropdown option, select field-set for the Version that you will be editing: 6. Click '''Set''': 7. Make any required changes to the version your are working on (remember that these edits will only affect the current version you are editing, unless you are making changes to the baseline versionchoose. 
6. To edit a specific field, click the '''pencil icon '''to the left of the custom field name.
===Compare fields in Versions===: 1. Navigate to the desired UTA: 2. Click on the UTA Settings icon: 3. Click on the appropriate Level 1, 2, or 3: 4. Click on the '''Custom Fields" link.: 5. Select the versions to be compared from the 2 drop-downs.: 6. The screen should automatically refresh and show the custom field settings for the 2 versions side-by-side.[[ImageFile:Diff_custom_field_version2018Edit fieldd.png|900px200px|border|link:]] ===Creating a new You will be brought to the '''Custom Field '''edit page of that field===Best practice for creating new fields are to add them . Make any required changes to the baseline version first. This makes the new field available to all versions once an update snapshot is takenyou are working on.
: 1. Navigate to * Remember, these edits will only affect the desired UTA: 2. Click on current version you are editing - which can always be known with the UTA Settings icon: 3. Click on the appropriate Level 1, 2, or 3: 4. Click on text box at the top right - unless you are making changes to the '''Custom Fields" link: 5. Click on the baseline '''+''' icon to add version. * To learn more about editing a '''New Custom Field''': 6. Add all fields required to create the new field. For details on creating custom fields click ''', see our [[Creating Custom Fields – General Information#General Settings|Custom Fields|here- General Settings]]'''.===Adding all new field to existing Version===Add all new field that has been added to the baseline to an existing version by updating the Versions snapshotpage. 
This will update ====Deleting Fields in Versions====It is very important you always double-check the field-sets version that comprise you are editing. '''Always be careful''' when deleting fields from the baseline version. Deleting fields from the selected Version baseline will delete those fields from all associated applications and forms. Any new snapshots that are taken afterwards will not include any newly added the deleted fields added . As well, deleting fields from baseline will remove your ability to reference those fields and their values, thus removing the baseline since ability to use the last snapshotpreviously stored values.
See the section above titled: Deleting fields from versions that are '''Take a Snapshot/Create a baselinenot the baseline ''' for details on taking a snapshotwill only remove those fields from the specific version you are editing - they will not be removed from other versions.
To delete a field, check the box next to the desired field(s) to delete. A '''trashcan icon '''will then appear in the top row of buttons. Clicking on this icon will delete the fields. 
:: [[File:Smartversion deleting field.png|900px|border]] 
:* Remember, you can always note which version you are in with the '''Active Version '''text box that appears on the top right of your page. 
===Add / update individual fields to Older <pre> To delete an entire Version===Sometimes a user may wish to apply a new custom field to (not just an older version, or to apply changes made in single individual field), without taking a snapshot that would apply unwanted updates in other you can only do so when there are no fields attached to the old versionit.</pre>
The '''Copy to Older Version''' option will allow users to do this.
[[Image:CopyToOldVersion1====Comparing Fields in Versions====1. Navigate to the desired UTA.png]]
You can do so by clicking the 9-square menu icon on the top right of your page ({{Icon-Menu}}), and selecting the UTA under the heading '''Applications.'''
This is available against all 2. Click on the '''gear icon '''above the UTA custom field listsname, but only appears once at least one field has been selectedwhich will bring you into the UTA settings in '''Configuration Mode.'''
:: [[ImageFile:CopyToOldVersion2Gear icon.png|700pxborder]] 3. Click on the desired tab for {{L1}}, {{L2}}, or {{L3}} entity associated with the UTA. The levels go in sequential order - the first tab after the '''General '''tab represents the Level 1 Entity and so on. 
4. Click on the '''Custom Fields '''hyperlink.
If you select some custom fields and click on the 5. Click the '''pencil icon '''Copy to Older Versionedit a specific ''' button then you are presented with the Copy to Older Versions screenCustom Field.'''
[[Image:CopyToOldVersion_36.png|700px|border]]The details of the Custom Field will be displayed. At the top right, the '''Active Version '''is displayed. On the right of the '''Version '''field box, select the button '''Diff. '''
:: [[File:Smartversion diff.png|400px|border]]
7. A modal window that allows '''Version Comparison '''will appear, showing the custom field settings for two different versions side-by-side.
Users To toggle between which versions you would like to compare this custom field against, simply select the version (or different versions) that the by clicking into each '''Version '''field, or edits, should be added to from the Version drop-down list. 
If this is :: [[File:Smartversion comparison.png|750px|border]]====Creating a brand New Field====Best practice for creating new fields are to add them to the''' baseline''' version first. This makes the new field then it will automatically be added available to the selected Versionsall versions once an update snapshot is taken.
If the field already exists on the selected versions then updates will only occur if users select the '''Update''' option from the '''If field already exists''' setting1. If users leave it as '''Ignore''' then Navigate to the changes will not be applieddesired UTA.
Users must then click You can do so by clicking the 9-square menu icon on the Submit buttontop right of your page ({{Icon-Menu}}), and should a confirmation message to indicate that selecting the UTA under the changes have been appliedheading '''Applications.'''
[[Image:CopyToOldVersion42.png|700px]]Click on the '''gear icon '''above the UTA name, which will bring you into the UTA settings in '''Configuration Mode.'''
:: [[File:Gear icon.png|border]] 3. Click on the desired tab for {{L1}}, {{L2}}, or {{L3}} entity associated with the UTA. The levels go in sequential order - the first tab after the '''General '''tab represents the Level 1 Entity and so on.  4. Click on the '''Custom Fields '''hyperlink. 5. Click on the '''+ ''''''icon '''on the left hand side to create a new field. :: [[File:Create new field.png|350px|border]] 6. Input all the fields required to create your new field. For details on creating custom fields, see [[Custom Fields – General Information#General Settings|Custom Fields – General Settings]].  ==Viewing changes ==Adding All New Fields to the Application/Forman Existing Version====The changes that have been made If you want to mass update fields to a an existing version view , you can be viewed easily do by opening updating the '''Version Snapshot. '''This will update the application or form field-sets that comprise the selected Version, and selecting will include any newly added fields added to the '''baseline '''since the appropriate form documentlast snapshot. 
: 1. Navigate to the desired UTA: 2. Open the desired application / form: 3. From the Version dropdown option, select the version you with to view.See [[Image:Viewing_changes_to_version.pngVersioning#Create a Baseline|800px|link:Create a Baseline]]: 4. Click '''Set''': '''Note:''' Toggling between different versions from this page will allow you to easily flip between the existing form and your modified version.==Activating a new Version==: 1. Navigate to the desired UTA: 2. Click for details on the UTA Settings icon: 3. Click on the appropriate Level 1, 2, or 3: 4. Under the UTA Properties section, locate the '''Current Version''' field.: 5. From the dropdown options select the version you wish to make active.: 6. Click on the '''Activate''' button.: 7. Click '''Save'''.: '''Note:''' Once an application or form is made active all new submissions will be completed and associated with the current version. Past submissions will retain their original version information.==Batch updating records to Versions==To update many different applications and forms how to take a new version, first start by creating the new version, then use the batch update feature to update as many applications and forms as desiredsnapshot. 
: 1. Navigate to the desired UTA: 2. ====Add a check mark to the check box for each application and form you want to bulk update: [[Image:Batch_update_version_checkmark.png|600px|link:]]: 3. Click on the '''Batch or Update''' icon: [[Image:Batch_update_icon.png|link:]]: 4. From the '''Update version Individual Fields to:''' drop down field, select the new version: 5. Select the '''Batch Update''' button: [[Image:Batch_update_window.png|600px|link:]]an Older Version==Conditional Versioning=='''Conditional Versioning''' allows for Sometimes a user may wish to apply a customized new custom field to an older version of an application , or form they might want to be displayed apply changes made in a single field without taking a snapshot that might apply unwanted updates in other fields to specific users based on conditions you setthe old version.
Conditions can include (but are not limited In order to)do so, follow these steps: 
* Geography* Role* Organization type* Gender* Age* Past Activities* Many, many more1. Navigate to the desired UTA.
Conditions You can also be based do so by clicking the 9-square menu icon on the individual fields that make up an application or form. Any field can be top right of your page ({{Icon-Menu}}), and selecting the UTA under the basis of a conditionheading '''Applications.'''
Each Version has a Condition field2. In Click on the '''gear icon '''above the example below the condition looks at Country field value entered against the current users profileUTA name, and which will only display the current version if bring you into the Country is not set to CanadaUTA settings in '''Configuration Mode.'''
:: [[ImageFile: ConditionalVersion2Gear icon.png|700pxborder]] 3. Click on the desired tab for {{L1}}, {{L2}}, or {{L3}} entity associated with the UTA. The levels go in sequential order - the first tab after the '''General '''tab represents the Level 1 Entity and so on. 
==Also See==[[Versioning - Why?]]4. Click on the '''Custom Fields '''hyperlink.
The list of Custom Fields will be displayed.
5. Select ''at least one ''custom field for which you want to apply its updated modifications to an older version. 
<pre> If a field is not selected, then the Copy to Older Version function will not show up. </pre>
6. Click the '''Copy to Older Version '''option which looks like a '''two page icon '''on the top row of buttons.
:: [[File:Smartversion copy to older versions.png|350px|border]]
7. A modal window that allows you to choose which version you want to apply this updated field to will appear.
:: [[File:Smartversion copy to other versions.png|650px|border]] 
{| class="wikitable"
||[[Image:Why'''Version'''||Check the box next to the name of the version that you want to update this field to.jpegYou can also choose '''Select All '''if you want to apply this updated field to all of the older versions. |-|link=?|50px]]'''If field already exists'''||Click [[Versioning - Why?|here]] to learn why If the field already exists on the selected versions, then updates will only occur if users specifically select the '''Update '''option.  If a user leaves this feature is a benefit option as '''Ignore, '''then changes will not be applied to your organizationthe field that already exists in older versions.  
8. Click the '''Submit '''button..
The modal window will refresh and provide a confirmation message of '''Update Completed '''if the field was successfully updated to the older version(s). 
<pre> You cannot copy a Version ''into ''a core field-set; it is a unidirectional process. </pre>
===Viewing Changes to the Application/Form===
The changes that have been made to a version view can be viewed by opening the application or form and selecting the appropriate form document.
1. Navigate to the desired UTA.
You can do so by clicking the 9-square menu icon on the top right of your page and selecting the UTA under the heading '''Applications.'''
2. Open the desired application or form.
3. From the '''Version '''drop-down option on the top right, select the version that you would like to view. 
:: [[File:Smartversion choose version.png|400px|border]]
Toggling between the different versions will allow you to easily flip between the existing form, and your modified version so that you can keep track of what the changes will employ from an applicant perspective.
===Activating a New Version===
1. Navigate to the desired UTA.
You can do so by clicking the 9-square menu icon on the top right of your page and selecting the UTA under the heading '''Applications.'''
2. Click on the '''gear icon '''above the UTA name, which will bring you into the UTA settings in '''Configuration Mode.'''
:: [[File:Gear icon.png|border]] 
3. Click on the desired tab for {{L1}}, {{L2}}, or {{L3}} entity associated with the UTA. The levels go in sequential order - the first tab after the '''General '''tab represents the Level 1 Entity and so on, in chronological order.
4. Under the subheading '''Features and Options, '''locate the '''Current Version field.'''
5. Click into the drop-down list of available versions and select the version you wish to make active for your UTA.
6. Click on the '''Activate '''button to the right of this field.
7. A confirmation message will appear - click '''Yes. '''
:: [[File:Smartversion activate confirmation.png|300px|border]]
8. Once the version has been activated, another confirmation message will appear to state that the activation has been successful. Click '''OK.'''
:: [[File:Smartversion successful activation.png|200px|border]]
'''Note: '''Once an application or form is made active, all new submissions that are completed will be associated with the current version - however, past submissions retain their original version information. 
===Batch Updating Records to Versions===
To update many different applications and forms in a new version, first start by creating the new version, then use the batch update feature to update as many applications and forms as desired.
1. Navigate to the desired UTA.
You can do so by clicking the 9-square menu icon on the top right of your page and selecting the UTA under the heading '''Applications.'''
2. Check the box on the right of each application you want to bulk update.
:: [[File:Versioning batch update selected 2019.png|700px|border]]
3. Click on the '''Batch Update '''icon found on the top right of your page.
:: [[File:Batch update button 2019.png|border]]
The Batch Update modal window will appear.
4. On the left side, you are able to select which fields you want to update. As soon as you select a field, its options will appear on the right side. Either select from the '''drop down '''or use the '''binocular icon '''to look up the options that you can choose to batch update the records to for each field. 
:: [[File:Batch update process 2019.png|400px|border]]
5. Once you are done selecting your batch update options, click the '''Update '''button at the bottom of the modal window. 
====Custom Batch Update====
Next to the Batch Update button is a '''down arrow '''button that allows you to '''Custom Batch Update. '''Options available include making a '''Copy '''of the applications as well as changing the status of the applications.
:: [[File:Custom batch update button 2019.png|150px|border]]
If you select '''Batch Update Copy, '''a confirmation message will appear to confirm that you want to ''copy ''and trigger the [[Workflows Overview|workflows]] associated with all selected records.
If you select the second option (Approved),''' '''you will run the '''Batch Update '''to change the status and trigger the [[Workflows Overview|workflows]] associated with all selected records.
:: [[File:Custom batch update example 2019.png|700px|border]]
:* In this example, a UTA with grants as the Level 1 Entity can be selected and batch '''Approved '''so that each [[Status|status]] of the grants selected changes to approved at once.
:* When you have successfully updated a record, the [[List View Overview|list]] will reload and there will be a pop-up notification at the top of your screen confirming the number of records that have been updated.
:* Note the '''Approved '''status of the record that was successfully updated. This record will now also appear in the second tab, in the list of '''Approved '''grants.
==Configuration - Advanced==
===Conditional Versioning===
'''Conditional Versioning''' allows for a customized version of an application or form to be displayed to specific users based on conditions you set.
Conditions can include (but are not limited to):
::* Geography
::* Role
::* Organization type
::* Record type
::* Age
::* Conditions can also be based on the individual fields that make up an application or form. Any field can be the basis of a condition.
Each Version has a Condition field. In the example below the condition looks at Country field value entered against the current users profile, and will only display the current version if the Country is not set to Canada.
See [[System Variables]] and SmartSimple's [[Variable List]] for more information about which variables you might want to use when setting conditions. 
[[Image: ConditionalVersion2.png|700px]]
===Reporting with Versions===
After more than one Version is created, you can select which Version you would like to include in your [[Reports]] by searching through the versions. 
<!-- [[Category:Versioning]] -->
Smartstaff, administrator

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