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Login Page

206 bytes added, 14:29, 26 June 2019
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===Disable External Login Shortcut===
This function will disable the use of external login shortcut from the URL.'''Because there are security implications to using the external login shortcut (see below), ''''''disabling the feature completely is a good preventative measure.'''
=====What is the External Login Shortcut? =====
This function allows you to ''bypass ''Login Page Scripting that you have added to the Login Page. However, this technique should only be used when it is completely necessary because there are numerous security implications: 
* When the '''Login Page Scripting '''is not functioning correctly
* When you ''clone ''a copy of [[SmartSimple]] and the original copy contain a Login Script that prevents you from accessing the Clone clone 
<pre> Never create this technique as a browser shortcut because the username and the password are exposed . </pre>  TO use  To employ this techniquemethod of accessing your SmartSimple [[instance]], you use the following type of URL: 
* '''exlogin.jsp '''is case-sensitive

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