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SmartFolders Overview

757 bytes added, 15:12, 18 June 2019
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You may repeat this process for other Security Settings under '''Company Permission Settings '''or '''Role Permission Settings. '''You may alter the Security of a folder at any time by going back and selecting different permission accessibilities. 
'''Note: '''The recommended security is to only provide the [[Global User Administrator|System Administrator]] role with access to SmartFolders through System Features, then Internet-enabling or linking the SmartFolders on the [[Portals|portal]]. 
To provide SysAdmins with managerial access of SmartFolders, go to '''Global Settings > Security > System Feature Permissions. '''
:: [[File:Sys feature permissions1.png|500px|border]]
Once you have opened System Feature Permissions, go to the tab labelled '''Action Permission '''and scroll down till you find the '''SmartFolders - Manager''' box. 
Click into the box to select the [[User role|role(s)]]. 
:: [[File:Smartfolders manager.png|200px|border]]
Click '''Save '''when you are done. 
===Creating a Sub-Folder===
===Configuration Folders===
The '''Configuration Folders''' feature is within SmartFolders.  :: [[File:Config folders.png|500px|border]]
:: [[File:Config folders.png|500px|border]]
While the files within SmartFolders are stored as files within the SmartSimple application system, Configuration Folders will store files within the SmartSimple database. Configuration Folders are particularly useful for branding or styling use-cases. 
Please note there is a 16MB size limitation on files stored within Configuration Folders. 

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