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59 bytes removed, 13:27, 9 May 2019
User Menu
If you create a link here, try to keep the caption to a word or two, like “Edit Profile” or “My Profile”.
{| class=====User Menu "wikitable"|-||link types=====typeLink types available in the user menu are as follows:||Description|-=====||Organization Profile=====||
This link type takes the user to their organization profile. By default, if you have permission to edit the profile you will be taken directly into edit mode. You can toggle off this setting if you want to bring everyone to the profile in view mode.
|-=====||Custom=====||This link type can take the user to any page within your system, for example, to go to the dashboards, enter “/iface/dashboard.jsp”. Note, always use relative URLs to ensure links work across servers and to ensure your system functions as expected.|-=====||Drop Down=====||Not recommended. This legacy setting was used with the default header and it enabled you to add a drop-down menu in the user menu.|-=====||Language=====||Use this link type to surface a language drop down on your portal. The user will be able to switch their portal into any language you have enabled. Note, if you choose to support multiple languages, you must also enter translations for your content into the system. For example, you will need to specify the translation for every menu link and section you have added to your portal. You can do this via a language drop down where you configured those assets. In other areas of the system, such as on custom field configuration pages, you will also need to provide a translation for every caption.|-=====||Change Password=====||This link type takes the user to the change password screen.|-=====||SmartFolder=====||This link type is used to surface a SmartFolder in your portal. For example, if you had resources in a SmartFolder such as help documentation, you could add this link to your user menu and the user could go direct to that SmartFolder and open it in the current window, a modal window or a new window.|-=====||User Profile=====||This link type takes the user to their personal profile. By default, if you have permission to edit the profile you will be taken directly into edit mode. You can toggle off this setting if you want to bring everyone to their profile in view mode.|}
====Main Menu====
Smartstaff, administrator

Navigation menu