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963 bytes added, 19:42, 1 May 2019
Watch this video to get a general overview of the new features in this release.
''To watch this video in full screen, please click on the '''full screen''' button on the bottom right.''
====Extended Split Screen Functionality to Portal Sections====
Extended the split screen ability to portal list views. You can now expand a portal section into a list view split screen if you are using the default theme for that section. This will allow you to easily expand portal sections and work off the list of records with a split screen simultaneously displaying the record page.
[[File:2019-02-ticket-67929-1.png|thumb|none|500px|Open a default themed sections in split screen using the new button.]]
<!--67929 - Portal list view open in split screen-->
==Global System Upgrades==
[[File:2019-05-ticket-85616-1.png|thumb|none|500px|The new "List View Options " button gives you the ability to personalize how you see list views.]][[File:2019-05-ticket-84588-1.png|thumb|none|500px|Personalize the visibility of columns in this list view on the "Current " tab and adjust how all list views appear and behave on the "Global " tab.]]
====New UTA System Diagrams====
87631 - New UTA Setting Diagrams
[[File:2019-05-ticket-87631-1.png|thumb|none|500px|Use the "Process Flow Summary" link or click on a "Submit" button in "Configuration Mode" to see, review and edit statuses, buttons and workflows using the visual model.]]
====New Ability to Drag and Drop Re-Order Fields====
62095 - Enhancement: Ability for Admins to view all annotations
[[File:2019-05-ticket-7525-1.png|thumb|none|500px|The "Enable Annotation Mode" icon can be used to toggle annotations on and off in both view and edit modes.]]
====Updated Display of Currency Field Formats====
New ability within report builder to perform pivot functionality. When grouping by two different columns, you now have the option to perform an aggregate function and pivot the grouped columns across the x/y axis. You can find the option to do this within the advanced settings of the report configuration screen and enabling the option for Pivot View.
<!--85865 - Summary/Pivot View on Group By Reports-->
[[File:2019-05-ticket-85865-1.png|thumb|none|500px|This example report is using "Pivot View" with the data grouped by "type" and "status". The user can choose which group options they wish to view via the drop down.]]
====New High Visibility Option for Notes====
New high visibility option available for Note types with the ability to permanently display on a record. This can be used as a warning or informational function that will permanently display specific notes when you view a record, e.g. a warning note about contacts, organizations, applications, that will display at the top of the screen. This setting can be found on the Note type definition, and can be used by creating notes of this type, and changing a note's type later on when no longer applicable.
<!--74031 - Pop-Up Messages/Notices-->
[[File:2019-05-ticket-74031-1.png|thumb|none|500px|A Note Type set to "High Visibility" will display at the top of a record.]]
===Minor Updates===
====New Ability to Drag and Drop Re-Order Portal Shortcuts====
Updated the configuration screen of portal shortcuts for ease of use. You can now drag and drop shortcuts to re-order them. You can also now search and sort shortcuts as well.
<!--73364 - Shortcut order in portal sections-->
====Simplified List View Configuration====
Simplified the configuration of list views with default options for showing the open button. Previously you had to configure specific columns to show a button. Now, by just enabling default options the system will generate these buttons automatically without you having to include them in a column. The default buttons have the added advantage of allowing you to choose an icon or custom text caption.
<!--87307 - List view open button as toggle not in column-->
Enhanced the Discussion Board 2.0 feature with the ability for users to upload file attachments to a thread.
<!--68105 - Discussion board 2 with file upload-->
====Updated Report Charts Configuration====
We have modernized the interface to make creating Charts from Reports easier. Flash type charts have also been deprecated.
<!--61917 - Report charts-->
====Search Files interface update====
We have modernized the Search files interface.
<!--61917 - Report charts-->
==On-Demand System Upgrades==
Several enhancements released for our Stripe integration to make it much easier to setup and use, to meet the increased interest in this feature since its initial release. We've introduced a default template that allows you to easily enable this integration, by simply supplying it an instruction text. Stripe element mapping has also been introduced in order to simplify the user experience of someone entering in their payment info in a single step now, instead of the previous two steps that were needed. You can now also tie in the Stripe payment screen to launch off a status submit button instead of having to customize a separate link to the screen. Lastly, you can now also create pending charges that will trigger in the future.
<!--87383 - Stripe Enhancements-->
[[File:2019-05-ticket-87383-1.png|thumb|none|500px|Single step Stripe integration payment option where the user can enter their payment details and see mapped fields in a single popup window.]]
====Simplified Configuration of Portal List Views====
Enhanced the company sign up page to allow for the creation of multiple users. You can now easily configure a company sign up page to allow and enforce creation of different numbers and types of users by linking multiple different user sign up pages.
<!--75302 - Org Signup page that creates multiple users-->
[[File:2019-05-ticket-75302-1.png|thumb|none|500px|In this example you can register an Organization, a Lead Applicant and 0 to 3 Co-applicants at once.]]
====New Ability to Link Provider/Consumer Records within same UTA====
====New Ability to Set Multiple Logos for Login Pages====
New ability to create login pages with different logos. Previously, every login page would be by default use the standard logo defined in your system. You can now load different logos on a login page dynamically by passing a parameter into the login page URL and specifying which logo to use from a SmartFolder.
<!--85340 - Multiple logos upon login-->
Smartstaff, administrator

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