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Custom Field Type: Special - Advanced Data Table

140 bytes added, 19:50, 19 December 2018
Styling XML data for web and print (PDF)
==Styling XML data for web , print and print (conversion to PDF)==
[[File:xml-readonly-styled.png|500px|border|The worksheet styled at 700 pixels wide in a Display Text and Variables custom field]]
To ensure data entered into an '''Advanced Data Table''' fits on screen and will converted to a PDF without having data cut off, administrators need to upload two external CSS style sheet to a SmartFolder, reference it on the '''Advanced Data Table''' and the '''Display Text and Variables''' fields as well as add some code to both of these fields.
# Make Sure your Advanced Data Table has 8 or less columns to ensure it will print and fit on screen
# If the user is expected to enter paragraphs of information do so in a new row or new section, instead of adding another column.
# If your worksheet does not look as expected make sure '''Apply Default Styles''' is toggled on in the Section builder and then click '''Build''' on each of your sections in the section builder.
====Uploading the external CSS and getting the relative link====
# Download this CSS file
# In your instance navigate to the Menu Icon and choose '''SmartFolders'''
# Copy this link which will look like ''''''
# Remove the first part of the link before the '''/files...''' to make it relative. This will ensure it works on live and backup and will ensure it works as expected. Your relative link will look like '''/files/427076/f114840/xml-onscreen-1290.css'''
# save this relative link in a text file so we can add it to each Advanced Data Table custom field later.
====Modifying the Advanced Data Table template====
# test
Smartstaff, administrator

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