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<span class="mceNonEditable template" id="bs_template:@@@TPL3@@@" data-bs-name="Banner-UnderConstruction" data-bs-type="template" data-bs-id="3">{{JavaScript SyntaxBanner-UnderConstruction }}</span>
==General Description==
Executes an expression to calculate a value and store the result.
* '''Expression''': Defines the expression to be executed (additional details on Expression found in section below)
==Expression Field Details==
'''Expression''': Defines the expression to be executed
All values are treated as strings. For arithmetic operations, PARSEINT and PARSEFLOAT functions are used to convert the string value to a numeric value.
Example summing the values using five custom fields:
''ssParseNum([Total Monthly Cost]) + ssParseNum([Total Cost Ex]) + ssParseNum([Hardware Rental]) + ssParseNum([Email]) + ssParseNum([Other])''
<pre>If you are using this field in a "Dynamic Control Field" address the fields by their field ids with the following syntax:
* You can in general use either the name of the field within square brackets, or frm.cf_''customfieldid''.value to refer to the values for the calculations.
* In both cases is that the field must be visible on the page (or a [[Hidden Value]] custom field that is on the page).
* A [[Combo Box]] custom field can be used in mathematical as long as the stored value is numeric. The displayed value does not have to be numeric
* [[Check Boxes]] cannot normally be used in Calculated Value fields. (They can be accommodated with sufficient knowledge of JavaScript)
You can use arithmetic, string, comparison operators and functions within the calculated [[Custom Field|custom field]]. * References to other fields are always enclosed in square brackets: [variable1] * The calculations are performed when you click the '''Save''' button and save the page.
* References to other fields are always enclosed in square brackets: [variable1]
* The calculations are performed when you click the '''Save''' button and save the page.
* Calculated field formulas are executed in the same order that the calculated fields are displayed on the page.
* You must not place fields that perform summary calculations based on other calculated fields ABOVE the subordinate calculations.
** If the fields are ordered in this manner, saving the page will not update the summary calculation, as summary formula will be executed BEFORE the subordinate calculations are performed.
==SmartSimple Calculated Field Operators==
===Arithmetic Operators===
** To round a calculation to 2 decimal places use the following syntax::*** '''Math.round(('''''expression''''')*100)/100'''
'''Note:''' To round to a different decimal place just change '''*100)/100''' part as per requirement.
Example:To round to 3 decimal places, you would use '''Math.round(('''''expression''''')*1000)/1000'''
*** For no decimal places::**** '''Math.round('''''expression''''')'''
where ''expression'' is the calculation to be rounded off, such as PARSEINT([variable 1])/PARSEINT([variable 2])
===String Operators===
===Comparison Operators===
===Date Functions===
===Time Functions===
To calculate the time difference for '''Standard Fields''' in hours and minutes use the following
Level 1:
**** ''timediff(frm.ostartdate.value,frm.oenddate.value,frm.ostarthour.value,frm.ostartminute.value,frm.oendhour.value,frm.oendminute.value)''
Level 2:
**** ''timediff(frm.startdate.value,frm.enddate.value,frm.starthour.value,frm.startminute.value,frm.endhour.value,frm.endminute.value)''
(note: the starttime and endtime '''Standard Fields''' are actually stored as part of the startdate and enddate fields, which is why they are used here)
===Other Functions===
To show the number of characters in a text field, use:
To show the number of words in a text field, use:
**** [''fieldname''].split(" ").length
==See Also==
**** [[How Calculated Custom Fields Work]]**** [[ssParseNum]]**** [[Template / Type Formula]]**** [[:Category:JavaScript]]**** [[Variable List]]**** [[The Musings of Chin - Correct Variable Processor Use]]**** Disambiguation: [[Calculated Field|Calculated Field in Reporting]]