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Auto Loader

188 bytes added, 18:27, 25 July 2018
Company Record / Company Item
====Company Record / Company Item====
: [[Image:Auto7.png]]
* '''Create/Update Behavior''' - If you wish to create new record, then enable the '''Create new or update matching record'' check box. If you do not enable this the other check box and '''Update only, do not create new''', existing records will be updated but new records are located in the upload file they will be rejected.* '''Duplicate Match Behavior''' - behavior when multiple records are matched by the same identifier key.
* '''Account''' – determines where in the organisational hierarchy new records should be added.
* '''Is External''' – choose this option when creating external companies under the root company.
* '''Trigger Workflow''' – drop-down list of all workflows related to the '''Record Type'''. It defaults to N/A.
* ''' Trigger On All Records ''' - check-box that is populated is you wish to have a workflow execute against all records, whether new records or updated records. This can be used to create companies with multiple categories.
====Contact Record / Contact Item====

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