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SmartSimple OData Feed to SQL Server Database

1,226 bytes added, 17:17, 7 June 2018
Creating a new SSIS Package
=Creating a new SSIS Package=
==A simple SSIS package==
# Open Visual Studio
# Create a new Integration Service Project
# Save the new project into the desired folder
# Drag a dataflow task to the working surface
# Double click "Data Flow" to bring up the new "Data Flow" work surface
# Select "OData Source" and drag to the work surface
# Double click "OData Source", OData Source Editor appears
## Click "New", a new window "OData Connection Manager Editor" opens
## Enter the URL of the OData, username, password
## Click "Test Connection" to test
## Press "OK"
## "OData Connection Manager Editor" closes
## Choose the desired collection
## Click "Preview", a new window will pop up to show data from the collection
## Click "Columns"
## Choose the column headers you want to transfer to MSSQL
## Press "OK"
# Select "Destination Assistant" to set up SQL Server Connection
# Double click "Destination Assistant", "OLE DB Destination Editor" appears
# Select the SQL Server to import OData to
# Connect "OData Source" and "OLE DB Destination"
# Double click "OLE DB Destricaiton" to edit metadata if necessary, then press "OK"
# Press "Start" to run the package
# When process is complete, it will show you how many rews were imported to MSSQL database
=Deploying SSIS Package=

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