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Workflows Overview

24 bytes added, 15:03, 7 July 2017
Configuring – Essentials
1. Click the Menu Icon and under the System Processes , click the Workflows link.
2. The Workflows page is displayed. This includes the following tabs:
3. Workflows – click this tab to see list of workflows. The list includes the name, description, workflow type, Trigger, System Call Identifier and date last updated. In the top right of the action bar is a Category drop down. The list of workflows displayed under the Workflows tab is dependent on the Workflow Category selected. Use the "All Workflows" option to see all workflows.
* Tasks – click this tab to see a list of tasks for all workflows.
4. Click the New Workflow button to see the New Workflow page.
5. Populate the Name field with a suitable a descriptive name for the workflow, and the Description field with a suitable narrative description for the workflow.
6. you attempt to connect the workflow to the object.
8. Set the Termination Trigger options if appropriate. This option is exposed for certain workflow types, including the UTA specific workflow types (see Workflow Types table above). If the entity changes to the status after the workflow has triggered, any Pending tasks are removed (not executed).
9. Click the Save button. The workflow is saved and the Workflow ID is now populated. The following options appear in the action bar near the top of the screen:
* Back/Recently Visited – click this button to return to pages previous accessed.
The process for adding a task to a workflow is as follows:
1. Navigate to the desired workflow and click on the Tasks tab.
2. Click the New task button in the action bar.
3. The Task details are displayed, with a Task Number initially set to 10 and increasing in increments of 10 for each subsequent workflow task.
The Task Types available will vary depending on the Workflow Type selected. The following matrix displays Workflow Task Types availability for Workflow Types.
The following matrix displays which [[Workflow Task Types]] are available for which [[Workflow Types]].
5. Set the ''Name'' of the Task as appropriate.
6. Populate the Description field if required.
7. Click Save at the bottom of the page.
NOTE: There are a number of other settings specific to the Task Type selected. These are covered in the individual entries specific to each Task Type within the Configuring - Advanced section.
8. Click on the Back button to return to the Edit Workflow screen.
8. The Task is listed, but without Connectors, the task will not be executed if the workflow is triggered.
All tasks must be connected to other tasks or to the start and complete before they will execute.
The connectors control when the next steps execute and control what the next steps are (based on defined conditions).
1. Navigate to the desired workflow and click on the Task tab.
2. Inside the list of tasks, click the New button in the row preceding the task you wish to connect. In the example below the preceding task may be the Start option, but it could also be a preceding Task.
* Required Respondents - use to specify how many people must complete a action before the workflow moves to the next task.
* Condition- use to specify a logical condition that must be met before a connector triggers the next workflow task. Multiple connectors can be set up with mutually exclusive conditions to have branching logic on the workflow.
4. Complete as appropriate and click Save at the bottom of the screen.
5. Click the New button in the desired row for the task you wish to connect and connect to a proceeding task, the Complete option or to another workflow entirely. Click Save when finished.
6. Go back to the General tab and click Save once all connectors have been defined. When the page refreshes then the connectors should be displayed.
Status-driven workflows can be triggered from all levels of a UTA if Workflows have been enabled on the types . To enable workflows for a type do the following:
1. In your desired UTA, click configuration Settings. Click on the level 1 tab, Click on Types. A list of types is displayed.
2. Click the Edit button on the desired Type The template details are displayed.
3. To enable workflows for the Level 1 items, select Yes in the first workflow combobox.
4. To enable workflows for the Level 2 and 3 activities, select Yes in the second workflow combo box.
5. Click Save.
Note: upon creation of new Templates, the Workflow combo boxes default to "Yes." Change these values to "No" in the case that you would like to disable workflows for this template at Level 1 and/or Level 2 and 3.
Smartstaff, administrator

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