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HCAI Process Overview

1,341 bytes added, 19:54, 3 January 2008
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The following steps are used in the transfer process.

1. A [[user|user]] in a PMS [[SmartSimple]] Instance displays an HCAI enabled [[Web Page View Field|web page view field]] (an OCF form) and then clicks the '''Submit to HCAI''' button displayed at the top of that form.

A ticket is sent to the [[SmartSimple]] HCAI Gateway (only [[Instance|instances]] registered to Gateway will be accepted).

2. The [[SmartSimple]] HCAI Gateway processes ticket queue in sequence, and based on ticket information, the Gateway sends a request to the [[SmartSimple]] server requests the OCF forms data.

3. [[SmartSimple]] server verifies the ticket and sends a private key Encrypted OCF form data to the gateway through [[SSL]] (both data and transmission are encrypted).

A snap-shot of data sent is stored for auditing purpose.

4. When form data is received and decrypted by the HCAI gateway, it is then posted to the HCAI server (data is not stored in any form of persistent storage on the [[SmartSimple]] HCAI gateway – it only exists in memory).

5. Either a failed or success response will be received from HCAI. This response is stored on the [[SmartSimple]] HCAI gateway.

6. The HCAI response is also sent back to originated [[SmartSimple]] server [[Instance|instance]].

[[Category:System Management]][[Category:HCAI]]

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