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Sort By

112 bytes removed, 19:09, 19 April 2017
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*The "Sort" feature is included in [[List View|list views]] in SmartSimple and is included against all Column headers , with the excpetion exception of the Index (i.e. #). 
*There are 3 states for sorting:
 ::*Default: unordered state when list view is first launched or when column header is clicked again after the descending order. [[Image:SortDefault.png|link=|200px170px]]
::*Ascending: will be ordered in ascending order when column header is first clicked
::*Descending: will be ordered in descending order when column header is clicked for the second time
[[Image:SortAscending.png|link=|200px170px]] *The "Default" option refers to the default sort order defined in the [[Configuring List Views|list view configuration]].
==See Also==
Smartstaff, administrator

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