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SmartConnect - Appendix: Standard Field Names

5,213 bytes added, 20:47, 4 April 2017
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* '''sf_Company ID''': Company id. (0 if new company)
* '''sf_Parent Company''': Parent company name.
* '''sf_Parent Company ID''': Parent company id.
* '''sf_Is External''': Flag (1=external, 0=internal)
* '''sf_Owner ID''': Owner ID of company.
* '''sf_Owner''': Owner name of company.
* '''sf_Primary Contact ID''': Primary contact ID of company. (0 if empty)
* '''sf_Primary Contact''': Primary contact name of company.
* '''sf_Name''': Name standard field.
* '''sf_Address''': Address standard field.
* '''sf_Address 2''': Address2 standard field.
* '''sf_City''': City standard field.
* '''sf_State / Province''': Province standard field.
* '''sf_Zip / Postal Code''': Postal code standard field.
* '''sf_Country''': ID of country field. (0 if empty)
* '''sf_Phone''': Phone standard field.
* '''sf_Fax''': Fax standard field.
* '''sf_Web Site''': Website standard field.
* '''sf_Category List''': Comma delimited list of category IDs. (Starts and ends with a comma)
* '''sf_Last Updated''': date the record was last updated on SmartSimple
* '''sf_Created Dated''': date the record was created on SmartSimple
* '''sf_Status ID''': Status ID of the company.
* '''sf_Status''': Status name of the company.
* '''sf_Status Caption''': Status caption of the company.
* '''sf_User ID''': User ID (0 if new user)
* '''sf_Is External''': Flag (1=external, 0=internal)
* '''sf_Company ID''': ID of user's company. 0 if empty.
* '''sf_Company''': name of user's company.
* '''sf_Title''': Title standard field.
* '''sf_Prefix''': Prefix standard field.
* '''sf_Suffix''': Suffix standard field.
* '''sf_First Name''': First name standard field.
* '''sf_Last Name''': Last name standard field.
* '''sf_Email''': Email standard field.
* '''sf_Address''': Address standard field.
* '''sf_Address 2''': Address 2 standard field.
* '''sf_City''': City standard field.
* '''sf_State / Province''': Province standard field.
* '''sf_Country''': name of country field. 0 if empty.
* '''sf_Country ID''': ID of country field. 0 if empty.
* '''sf_Zip / Postal Code''': Postal code standard field.
* '''sf_Phone''': Phone standard field.
* '''sf_Phone Ext''': Phone extension field.
* '''sf_User Role''': Comma delimited list of role IDs. (Starts and ends with a comma)
* '''sf_Active Type''': 1 ('Administration or Portal Interface'), 3 ('User Centric or Applicant Interface'), 5 or 0 ('Web Service User','No Access')
* '''sf_User Type''': 10 ('User'), 30 ('Local User Administrator'), 40 ('Global User Administrator')
* '''sf_Status''': status ID of user
* '''sf_Updated By''': name of user who updated the record.
* '''sf_Last Updated''': date record was last updated.
* '''sf_Created Date''': date record was created.
* '''sf_Created By''': name of user who created the record.
==Level 1==
* '''sf_Level One ID''': Tracking ID of level 1.
* '''sf_Application ID''': UTA ID.
* '''sf_Company ID''': Company ID of level 1 company/client field. 0 if empty.
* '''sf_Branch ID''': Company ID of level 1 branch field. 0 if empty.
* '''sf_Person ID''': User ID of level 1 people field. 0 if empty.
* '''sf_Person''': name of User for level 1 people field.
* '''sf_Type ID''': ID of level 1 template.
* '''sf_Application Template Type''': Level 1 template type name.
* '''sf_Application Name''': Name standard field.
* '''sf_Description''': Description standard field.
* '''sf_Requirement''': Requirement standard field.
* '''sf_Status ID''': Status ID of level 1 status. 0 if empty.
* '''sf_Status''': Name of level 1 status.
* '''sf_Revenue''': Revenue standard field.
* '''sf_Start Date''': Start date standard field.
* '''sf_End Date''': End date standard field.
* '''sf_Close Date''': Close date standard field.
* '''sf_Probability''': Probability standard field.
* '''sf_Owner ID''': ID of level 1 owner.
* '''sf_Owner''': Name of level 1 owner.
* '''sf_Modified By''': Name of user who modified the record.
* '''sf_Modified Date''': Date the record was modified.
* '''sf_Created By''': Name of user who created the record.
* '''sf_Created Date''': Date the record was created.
==Level 2==
* '''sf_Level Two ID''': Activity ID of level 2.
* '''sf_Application ID''': UTA ID.
* '''sf_Description''': Description standard field.
* '''sf_Subject''': Subject standard field.
* '''sf_Type ID''': ID of level 2/3 type.
* '''sf_Activity Type''': Level 2 type name.
* '''sf_Parent ID''': Parent object ID.
* '''sf_Assign Person''': Comma delimited list of user IDs in assigned standard field.
* '''sf_Contact Person''': Comma delimited list of user IDs in contact standard field.
* '''sf_Location''': Location standard field.
* '''sf_Start Date''': Start date standard field.
* '''sf_End Date''': End date standard field.
* '''sf_Duration''': Duration standard field.
* '''sf_Amount''': Amount standard field.
* '''sf_Status ID''': Status ID of status. 0 if empty.
* '''sf_Status''': Status name.
* '''sf_Owner ID''': User ID of owner. 0 if empty.
* '''sf_Owner''': Name of owner.
* '''sf_Updated By''': Name of user who updated the record.
* '''sf_Last Modified''': Date the record was modified.
* '''sf_Created By''': Name of user who created the record.
* '''sf_Created Date''': Date the record was created.
==Level 3==
[[JSON API (SmartConnect)]] <br>
[[JSON API (SmartConnect) Prerequisite]]<br>

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