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Creating a Request for Approval Workflow

1,521 bytes added, 19:29, 19 December 2007
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In this example you will create a [[Workflow|workflow]] that sends an alert when a customer adds a new file to their shared [[Smart Folder]] and allows you to approve, reject or ask to revise the file submission.

You will first create the [[Workflow|workflow]], and then attach the [[Workflow|workflow]] to the customer folder.

1. Click the '''New Workflow''' button. The '''New Workflow''' window is displayed.

=Setting the Workflow Type=

[[SmartSimple]] provides the ability to attach a [[Workflow|workflow]] to many different objects. If you do not select the correct type, the [[Workflow|workflow]] name will not be listed when you attempt to connect the [[Workflow|workflow]] to the object.

1. Click the '''Workflow type''' combo box.

This [[Workflow|workflow]] will be attached to a folder, but will trigger only when a file is added to that folder.

2. Set the [[Workflow]] type to '''File'''.


3. Set the '''Name''' to '''Customer File Alert'''.


4. Set the '''Description''' as shown below.


=Setting the Trigger Type=

The default '''New''' option is correct.

=Saving the Workflow=

It is necessary to save to [[Workflow|workflow]] details before you can add any [[Workflow|workflows]].

1. Click the '''Save''' button.

The [[Workflow|workflow]] is saved.

2. Click the '''View Workflows''' tab to see the [[Workflow|workflows]] list.


[[Category:System Management]][[Category:Workflows]][[Category:Applications]]

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