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Contact Invitations

27 bytes added, 15:28, 26 September 2016
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2. Under the Level 1 tab, open the '''UTA record'''.<br />
3. Click the '''Edit''' icon to put the record in edit mode.<br />
4. Inside Select the '''Options''' drop-down menu, click on '''Invitation'''tab located at the top of the record.<br />5. The '''InvitationsInvitation''' page is displayed. If any contacts have been invited to collaborate on this UTA record they will be listed here.<br />
6. Click the '''+''' button to manually add a contact to the invitation form.<br />
7. Complete the Invitation form field options.<br />
3. From the Options drop down menu, select the '''Invitation''' option.<br />
4. Displayed is the list of invitees with their role and invitation status.<br />
Visibility of the Invitation dropdown tab within the options menu level 1 record is controlled within the UTA Security.
1. Navigate to the desired '''UTA'''.<br />

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