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13 bytes added, 16:17, 29 April 2016
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===New Assignment Panels - Phase 1===
Assignment Panels allows the navigation of different list views simultaneously and easily search and bulk assign users to records. This first phase adds the ability to assign users in one panel to Level 1 records in the other panel. This feature will be expanded in the future to allow assignment to and from more record types.
<!--:*[[Assignment Panels - Why?|Why?]] <!-- | [[Assignment Panels|How]] -->
<!-- 35842 - Assignment List View -->
===New Create Consumer Records in Batch from Provider===
This new feature enables the creation of consumer associated records in batch based on the contacts or companies associated to a provider record.
<!-- This feature adds the ability to create level 1s based on based on a list of organizations attached to a level one or level two provider-->:* [[Create Level One 1 Records in Batch from Provider - Why?|Why?]] <!-- | [[How]] -->
<!-- 44779 - Batch create Level one from Provider -->
===Enhanced Stripe e-Payment Integration===
This enhancement furthers the integration with contemporary payments service, Stripe, and builds on the initial beta release in November. Through the invoice Invoice module, payments can be accepted by credit cards using the Stripe integration.
<!--The system can now generate a payment form from a Level2 invoice and collect a credit card payment using the Stripe integration.
-->:* [[Stripe Payment Processor Integration - Why?|Why?]] <-- | [[How]] -->
<!-- 43318 - Stripe Integration -->
<!-- 42475 - Payment Form -->

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