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70 bytes added, 19:26, 5 April 2016
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===New Privacy and Confidentiality Hyperlink Added to Login Pages by Default 911===
Privacy is a shared responsibility. This enhancement places a visible privacy and confidentiality hyperlink on the top right corner of all login pages. This makes it easier for organizations to communicate their unique privacy and confidentiality responsibilities to their users in a consistent manner. Privacy IS a shared responsibility. This enhancement makes it easier for organizations to communicate their privacy and security policies with their user community. A new Privacy and Security tab within the Global Settings page is the centralized place where all privacy, security, and confidentiality policies can be documented. The contents of the Privacy and Security tab will be displayed in a new hyperlink located on all login pages.
:* [[Why?]] | [[How]]
<!-- 43930 - Privacy and Confidentiality is a shared responsibility -->
===Enhanced Search Functionality Added to Reports Page===
This enhancement adds the search feature to reports page. For organizations with many reports, or organizations who expect to generate many reports over time, this is a welcomed enhancement. The reports page now has search functionality giving you the ability to quickly filter reports by column name, role, status, and type.
:* [[Why?]] | [[How]]
<!-- 42000 - Search field on the Reports page -->

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