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8 bytes added, 12:28, 26 August 2015
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* Enhanced the XML data field type with ability to shift rows up and down as well as updated icons for add and remove row buttons to be more intuitive.<!--37573 - XML - add the ability for the user to move rows up and down plus change delete and add buttons into icons -->
===NewEnhanced. Customize the portal header links in Arcadia XInterface With Customizable Header Menus===
* Enhanced Arcadia X interface to allow the ability to customize the portal header links (i.e. the options under your name menu), and ability to customize the styling of header row of tables and lists for improved look and feel and user experience.<!--37615, 37619, 37625, -->
===Company and User Security Matrix===
* New security matrix for company and user permissions introduced. This will centralize and simplify the current configuration methodology of user access and permissions towards company and user profiles.<!--22593 - Company and User Security Matrix -->
Smartstaff, administrator

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