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Configuring List Views

219 bytes added, 14:13, 7 May 2014
The Properties Tab
* '''Role''' - The [[Role]] dropdown will be available only for System Views (see above). The list view can be made available for all roles by selecting "All."
* '''Other Options'''
** Open in edit Edit mode: Checking this option will mean that when records are opened, they will default to edit mode as opposed to view mode.
** Enable Quick Edit: Checking this option will allow the list view to be configured with the [[Quick Edit|Quick Edit]] feature enabled.
** Enable Row Clickable: Checking this option will mean that each row will act as a clickable button to open the referenced record.<!--** Enable Fixed Header (Arcadia only): Only appears for UTA specific list views. If checked then the column headers in the list will always be displayed at the top of the report even when a scroll bar is required to view all returned results.-->**Enable Map Panel - Displays a map panel to the right of the list view.
** Manifest as Tab (Arcadia only): Only appears for UTA specific list views and will mean the list view appears as separate tab when the UTA is accessed in Arcadia mode.
<!--<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap;
white-space: -moz-pre-wrap;
white-space: -pre-wrap;
white-space: -o-pre-wrap;
word-wrap: break-word;">NOTE: If a user switches on the Fixed Header feature, they will be required to explicitly define the widths of each column for that list view.</pre>-->
==The Columns Tab==

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