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Sharing Encryption Keys

975 bytes added, 19:46, 20 November 2007
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Depending on the method you need to share information, multiple keys will be required.
* If you wish to simply send information (your [[Instance|instance]] is known as the “sending instance”) to another [[Instance|instance]] (this [[Instance|instance]] is known as the “receiving instance”), then the receiving [[Instance|instance]] will generate an encryption key that you store in your [[Instance|instance]]. This key is used to encrypt the information that you send. This ensures that information you send can only be decrypted by the receiving [[Instance|instance]].
* If you wish to receive information as well as send information, then you need to generate an encryption key in your [[Instance|instance]] that will be stored in the other [[Instance|instance's]] [[UTA]]. This ensures that the information you receive can only be decrypted by your [[Instance|instance]].

[[Category:Universal Tracking Application]][[Category:Object Synchronization Feature]]

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