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Role Formula

203 bytes added, 18:11, 3 October 2013
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A Role Formula is analogous to a [[Template / Type Formula]], though it performs advanced calculations and logic on custom fields stored on the Contact profile, for Contacts possessing this roleRole. The Role Formula is entered on the [[User Role|Edit Role page]] and will only be applicable for contacts who possess this Role.
An example Role Formula would be:
 *In this example, '''totalpoints''' is the custom field we are storing the sum in.*The sum is of all [[transactions]] on the user's record of custom field id numbers 1224 and 23445 given a particular transaction type name ("whatever"). *The Role Formula is entered custom field named '''totalpoints''' will be updated on the [[User Role|Edit profile of contacts who possess this Role every time the contact page]]is savedSee
==See Also==

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