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Manager Permissions

134 bytes added, 20:14, 31 October 2007
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==Setting Manager Permissions==
System and application manager functions are controlled through [[Role|role ]] based permissions. You will need to set these permissions before you can fully configure the system.
These permissions control both permissions and restrictions:
* '''Permissions ''' – enhanced functionality for people in a [[Role|role ]] associated with the permission.* '''Restrictions ''' – reduced functionality for people in a [[Role|role ]] associated with the restriction.* [[Universal Tracking Application ]] ([[UTA]]) Permissions – When you start to add your own [[Application|application ]] to the system you will use the same settings page to control access to these [[Application|applications]].
1. Click the [[Configuration Menu|Configuration]], Roles & Permissions [[Menu|menu]].
Not all [[Role|roles]] displayed may exist in your [[Instance|instance]].
This screen is divided into a number of sections.
* Permissions, Restrictions and [[UTA ]] Permissions (and restrictions) are selected from the left panel.
* [[Role|Roles]] that you may wish to associate with the selected permission are selected in the right panel.
* The '''Save''' button is displayed below the check boxes for the [[Role|role]] selection.
The number of [[Application|applications ]] on the '''Permission ''' list will vary depending on the [[Application|applications ]] that you have chosen to subscribe.
==Manager Permissions Available==

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